
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Spring is everywhere!

"Get up, Get out, spring is everywhere!"
~Spring Fever by Elvis Presley

The weather has been beautiful.
I'm supposed to be homeschooling my granddaughter today,
I give her mama a break by having "Nana School" on Tuesdays.

The trouble is,  I'd just as soon skip the school part and go out and about and find something fun to do.
I fear I may be a bad influence.

(all photos edited with Kim Klassen's waterfront-1)

still following,


  1. Hey, maybe going out and finding something fun to do could be a lesson in itself? A *science* day about the wonders of nature?!

    And honestly, having a fun day might just teach that a break from studies is a helpful thing?! (You can tell that I would also tend to be a *bad* influence! I'm trying to think what I would come up with to justify my actions!! LOL!)


    1. We had a nice nature walk at the our little neighborhood park that has is a wooded area with trails and a small playground. She loves it, and always comes home with pockets of treasures.

  2. Lovely photos.
    Thank you for sharing at

  3. everywhere but here, as we speak, but I have faith, it's right around the corner...perhaps

    1. Well, we had the wettest winter on records here in the Portland, Oregon/Vancouver, Washington area, so we are enjoying the beautiful weather this week. The rain will, inevitably be back!

  4. OK, you got me! I'm heading out the door for a walk to look at all the flowers that are in bloom.

  5. With weather we had recently, I would want to do the same! Thanks for linking up, that texture is so pretty!!

  6. I would just tell my daughter that "Nana specializes in Field Trips"...haha. Love all the photos, but that first still life is my favorite. I like the editing choices you made too. Thanks for sharing at Song-ography.

    1. Oh, trust me, we do a lot of extra fun things at Nana school. After we got the list mama had made done, we went to the park, then to Target, then Papa brought us out to dinner, then we just ended up having a sleepover!

  7. I love that bottle! It photographs so beautifully. Your idea for Nana school is great (no matter what you do for that day!). I just found out my 4 homeschooled grands are moving to my city soon. I can't wait! Maybe Nana school is in my future, too!

    1. Sharon, my preference is old antique bottles, but this particular one was a new one imported from Spain that cost a mere $2.99 at Marshall's!

  8. You could take a "field" trip ;) Great stills - the flower are beautiful!

    1. We did! We went to the park and had a great little outing.

  9. Pretty flowers. I really want to spend one spring season in the PNW... just to capture all the blooming flowers.

    Do not forget... school can happen anywhere. Give her a notebook and go on a science exploration to find all the flowers/trees/insects she can find... she can draw them out in her notebook. Then you can head to the library the next week and find a flower/tree/bug books to figure out what she found. My kids used to love that, and years later they still remember what they found.

    Lisa @LTTL

    PS I love that you have Nana School :-D


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