Saturday, May 21, 2016

He refreshes and restores my life...

This week I hit a wall, a wall of weariness.  In a phone call with a friend, I told her how I think that all of the transition and busyness and challenges of last year have finally caught up with me.  It seems I'm the type who powers through things, and then wears out and collapses sometime later on.  I've had many others comment, "Me, too!" when I've mentioned this. Perhaps this is the way with us women.  We know that our family, the people at our jobs, our church, our friends, are counting on us, leaning on us, depending on us, so we try to stay strong for them.  Until we just can't.  Then what do we do? (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, May 22nd, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Let Us Grow

Scripture and Snapshot

Also happily linking up with the lovely


  1. Having just arrived back home in California after my son's wedding in Montana, this was just what I needed to hear! I still have a couple of days of busyness, including a medical procedure, before I can rest, but I intend to take my Bible study with me to that procedure and focus on Him as much as possible. You piqued my curiosity though. What's your favorite worship album? Glad you're still following, Marilyn

    1. Congratulations on the marriage of your son! I pray that all goes well with your medical procedure and that you find the time with Jesus and the peace and rest that you need.

  2. Yes! I too need His restoration. Praying He brings you rest as only He can do. Thank you for joining us at Let Us Grow!

    1. May God's peace and rest be yours as well, Carrie!

  3. It seems I'm always trying to catch up lately! I just read what you wrote and it resonates with e.x.a.c.t.l.y where I am right now - can't do it all but the demands don't let me slow much. Have admitted I need help but the truth is, I have to go and FIND the help needed. That's a bit overwhelming when I think of it. But He gives grace and strength for the day and He knows the path I take! Praising and resting is the only way to keep going. Thanks for your words. Just what I needed today, dear friend. Guess it wasn't an 'accident' that I needed to catch up!


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