Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday Faves...a bit of summer seaside decor

Once the fourth of July was over, I made a few quick and easy changes to my living room decor for summer.  I wanted to add some seaside charm, since I LOVE the sea, but I didn't want to be too over the top in beach decor tchotchkes.
I made a simple cotton pennant garland to hang over my antique mirror.  My collection of antique aqua colored glass bottles, some wicker and shell spheres and a couple of starfish were placed on the old salvage wood mantel.

I added a tapestry that used to belong to my mama and a few other "beachy" items to the shelf on the wall by my husband's chair.  I love the little galvanized letters spelling out S-E-A that I purchased at World Market.  I had some larger wooden letters from the craft store there, but found these smaller galvanized letters and like the look of them on the shelf them much better.

Well, it's Friday, friends!
Have a 
a SAFE and BLESSED weekend!


Shabby Art Boutique


  1. What a nice idea! So simple and so fresh!Thank You!

  2. I'm catching up after being away by the sea for a few days where internet signals were a bit on and off. I love the touches of the sea you've added to your home. I need to dig out my beach-y decor and make some changes in my home, too. Love those little letters. I may have to head to World Market and find a few for my little, vintage trailer!

  3. Looks so lovely Elizabeth, without being over the top beachy.
    Thanks fir sharing with us at Shabbilicious Friday this week.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne


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