In more than one scripture, God compares Himself to an eagle. Is there anything more majestic than an eagle soaring overhead? How tender is the thought of that same strong, majestic eagle sheltering one of his little ones under his wings. I love that imagery of the love our Father God has for us. Psalm 91:4, however, doesn't finish with that thought.(Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, August 28th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Your armor and protection...
In more than one scripture, God compares Himself to an eagle. Is there anything more majestic than an eagle soaring overhead? How tender is the thought of that same strong, majestic eagle sheltering one of his little ones under his wings. I love that imagery of the love our Father God has for us. Psalm 91:4, however, doesn't finish with that thought.(Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, August 28th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)
Sunday, August 21, 2016
The extraordinary goodness of God in my ordinary life...
The past few days we've had the hottest weather of the summer, yet when I woke up early this morning and opened the back door to let the fresh air in I could smell the nearness of autumn in the breeze. As it seems to do more and more with each passing year, the summer has zoomed by. It's been a summer to remember, not because of anything extraordinary happening, but because of the extraordinary goodness of God in my ordinary life.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)
-hot tea and prayer with a friend who stopped by
-spending the afternoon with my oldest daughter and her two girlies
-my snuggly granddaughter
-they stayed for a yummy dinner of grilled steak, corn on the cob and salad
-trusting God with things I can't control
-long funny group texts from our daughters
-God never abdicates His throne
-doing a favor for a young mama
-seeing a young couple's sweet newborn baby girl for the first time
-a wonderful dinner downtown followed by the live performance of The Lion King with my youngest daughter and son-in-law and his parents-what a great night!
-a phone call with a friend
-writing opportunities
-helping my oldest daughter pack for their move
-early to bed due to my hub's jet lag
-picking blackberries and making a galette with my oldest granddaughter
-our Thursday night prayer and worship time at church-so good!
- an amazing sunset
-a relaxing hub's day off
-dinner and games with friends
-three of the grandkids spending the weekend while their mama and daddy have a getaway
-pancakes and eggs for Saturday breakfast
-icy cold frappuccinos on this hot, hot day
-taking our youngest grandson for a haircut
-playing outside in the water
-napping while our youngest grandson napped
-frying potatoes that my husband grew in the back yard
-quiet time after putting our grandson to bed
-a sweet quiet time before the kids woke up
-God's amazing plan of redemption
-lunch at Rib City with the kids
Saturday, August 20, 2016
None of them shall lack any beneficial thing...
While reading Matthew 7 in my devotions last week, the Lord reminded me of His desire that we be persistent in our pursuit of Him and in prayer. These verses, in particular, are what stood out to me.
7 Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you.8 For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, [the door] will be opened.9 Or what man is there of you, if his son asks him for a loaf of bread, will hand him a stone?10 Or if he asks for a fish, will hand him a serpent?11 If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him!
The Lord used these verses to speak two things to my heart...
(Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, August 21st, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Friday Faves...Berry Galette
I've definitely been hit and miss on my blogging this summer, but that's because I've been enjoying the season! I've also been enjoying time with friends and family. Today, my oldest granddaughter wanted to come over, so we picked some blackberries from my yard and added them to some store bought raspberries and made this galette together. Oh my! It's delicious!
Preheat oven to 425 degrees-
For the crust:
In a food processor pulse together:
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 sticks, (1 cup), cold butter cut into small pieces
1/2 cup cold plain greek yogurt, (which is what I used), or sour cream
2-3 Tablespoons of ice cold water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Pulse in food processor just until dough is combined.
Form dough into a ball and chill in refrigerator while you make the filling.
For the filling gently combine:
Four cups of blackberries/raspberries
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 heaping tablespoons flour
1/2 cup sugar
Roll dough on floured surface into approximate 12 inch circle of about 1/8th inch thickness.
(Cut off rough edges, but don't waste them!
Just sprinkle them with cinnamon sugar and bake til golden brown. Yummy!)
Place pastry on a parchment paper lined sheet pan.
Add berry filling to center of pastry circle.
Fold edges toward center, forming loose pleats.
Brush pastry with beaten egg and sprinkle with raw sugar.
Bake 25-30 minutes until golden brown.
Enjoy! It's especially delicious served warm with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.
It's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a safe and BLESSED weekend!

Monday, August 15, 2016
French Confit Jar and Mums...
The floral department at our local store is featuring lots of mums and sunflowers, signs of late summer. These inexpensive yellow mums seemed to be the perfect fit for the season, as well as for the antique french confit jar that I received as a birthday gift.
I think its a perfect pairing.
still following,
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Experiencing and enjoying Christ...
The summer began with me soul weary. Then God confirmed a word He had spoken to my heart in an amazing way. The words He had said to me were, "God will surprise you". All summer long He has truly been surprising me, in the way He is working in my life, in my husband's life, in our church. He has been surprising me in the way I see Him answering prayers for people in our life. (For example, four couples we are close to have been blessed with miracles regarding buying a home of their own in one of the hottest seller's markets in the nation.) He has been opening up opportunities for ministry for us, besides our full time ministry in our own church. For me, personally, He has refreshed me and renewed me after a time of extreme soul weariness, and we haven't even gone on vacation yet! Throughout the summer He's awakened me earlier than usual and met with me in sweet ways. He's spoken to my heart powerfully on my walks. As I am experiencing and enjoying Him, He is restoring my soul. Glory be to God!
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)
-answered prayer regarding a closing date on our friend's new house
-texts from my husband who is in Ghana
-a walk in the summer drizzle, listening to a Ravi Zacharias podcast
-my grandkids
-dinner and heart conversation with some friends
-another unusually autumn-like August day
-a wonderful Nana adventure day
-buying a cozy new sweater with my birthday gift card
-a foggy morning that gave way to blue skies and just a few puffy white clouds
-a fun lunch with my friend and her son
-sweet grapes straight off the vine
-a perfect half moon as the sun was going down
-a fun evening at the park with my youngest grandson
-him meeting a little friend his own age there
-the cute way he chirps, "I'm fine!", any time you ask how he is
-my husband begins the long flights home today!
-puttering around the house so everything is nice for his homecoming
-a sweet prayer time at church
-a safe drive to Seattle to pick up my husband and son-in-law
-"Hi Daddy!"-youngest grandson so excited that his daddy is home from Africa
-being together with my husband again
-our friend's house closed and they are moving in!
-a beautiful hawk flying right in front of me on my walk
-running errands and grabbing dinner out with my husband
-going to see our friend's new house
-a powerful morning at church
-lunch with friends
-a relaxing Sunday nap
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Looking for satisfaction...
Recently a friend and I went out to dinner and then we went shopping afterwards. We went to all of our favorites stores, Ross, TJMaxx, Homegoods, Marshall's. I think on this particular trip we both went home empty handed, which is often not the case. During the course of the evening we both confessed our tendency to buy ourselves a little something when we're feeling down. In my case, I rationalize it because it comes out of my "fun money" in our weekly budget. We both recognized and confessed that this is not a healthy way to cope with our emotional needs. Neither is a chocolate sundae topped with nuts, (not that I'd know anything about trying that), or even depending on a spouse or a friend to fill up our emptiness. All of those things are temporary fixes at best. The new blouse or trinket for the house will be in next year's Goodwill pile. Those hot fudge sundaes, that tasted good in the moment, don't seem so satisfying when you're sweating to take off the five pounds you mysteriously put on in the past few months. And that husband of yours or that best friend, well the truth is, they aren't always there when you need them, and when they are there, they don't always understand you. Truth is, we don't always understand ourselves, do we?
You see, there's a relentless emptiness and longing in all of us. (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, August 14th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Nana Adventure Day...
Today I decided to take my two youngest granddaughters on a Nana Adventure Day! I've been wanting to show them some of the familiar sights from my childhood, since they don't live far from where I grew up. So, I packed a picnic lunch and we headed out!
Oregon City, Oregon is the oldest incorporated town west of the Missouri River. The town has a lower level, where the old downtown is located, and then the rest of the town is built higher up, beyond a bluff that overlooks the Willamette River. One way to access the upper level of the town when you're on foot is via the Oregon City Municipal Elevator, which was placed into service in 1915. I used to ride that elevator as a little girl when Mama would take me to the eye doctor, who's offices were at the top of the bluff. It was fun to experience it again with my granddaughters, who were riding it for the first time. The view from the windows when you get to the top is great, but the view gets even better if you walk the path that follows the bluff toward the falls.
Along the path are benches to sit on, and plenty of grassy areas to run and play on and rocks and trees to climb. Old historic homes are also seen as you walk along the path.
My seven year old granddaughter asked to take my picture near these sunflowers. She did a pretty good job!
When we were done exploring and rode back down the elevator, the attendant gave the girls a card that was printed like a free pass for riding. That's what they are holding up in this photo. (The elevator is always free for everyone.)
In case you noticed us wearing our sweaters, it was in the sixties today! I was surprised to see some of the leaves already turning color as you can see in the first photo. Tomorrow this cool weather is supposed to give way to warmer temperatures and they say it will be in the nineties by Thursday. That's life in the Pacific Northwest! The weather was actually perfect for walking, running and playing without getting over heated. We all enjoyed our Nana Adventure Day very much.
still following,
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