Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Dried roses...

(edited using Kim Klassen's hughes texture)

The inexpensive grocery store bouquet of spray roses had certainly provided more than their money's worth of enjoyment.  They were dried up and dying and I was about to throw them out when I decided to capture the delicate crepe like state of the dried rose petals.
 (edited using Kim Klassen's everyday texture)
 (edited using Kim Klassen's everyday texture)
 (edited using Kim Klassen's dream it texture)
(edited using Kim Klassen's dream it texture)

still following, 


  1. Wow...did not know they could look that lovely. I've always wanted to try the silica sand drying process for some of my flowers. This photography turned out lovely. Also, love your header with the wonderful snow covered scenery as photograph snapshots. Nice..

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles :)

    1. I just let them dry naturally from neglect! 😂

  2. I love to make potpourri with dried roses! Thank you for sharing with us in LNRseasons

  3. Again, you have captured the beauty of a simple object.

  4. Utterly beautiful. Probably a spiritual lesson here too.


  5. So lovely!I've thought of doing this but never have. I actually have a bouquet of red roses from my sweet hubby, so I think I'll try this in a few days!

  6. This only proves that beauty is everywhere! I love these shots and I'm glad you snapped the photos before they were thrown out.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Lovely still, Elizabeth! My wedding bouquet was made with white roses. Unfortunately, they eventually turn very dark, even though I sprayed them. Still, I can't bear to throw them away. I wish they had stayed as pretty as yours!

  9. I am not a huge live rose fan... but I LOVE dried roses. Maybe it is that "delicate crepe like sate" that I like so much as well. Hmmmm? Got me thinking. Lovely photos.

    Lisa @ LTTL


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