
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Autumn Day on Lake Washington...

One of my favorite places is the east shore of Lake Washington. Seattle is on the other side of  Lake Washington. Kirkland, Washington, where my husband and I went to college, is on the east side. It's a beautiful place, but especially so on a gorgeous autumn day.
On a recent Saturday, while my husband, daughter and son-in-law attended the University of Washington Huskies football game in Seattle, I watched our youngest grandson. With baby in tow, I did some window shopping in Bellevue, Washington, ate lunch at a favorite spot in Kirkland, then just enjoyed the beauty on this sunny autumn afternoon. At five months old, our grandson loved the park along the lake, the warm sunshine, and watching the people.  He especially liked watching those who were walking their dogs, especially if they stopped and let him have a close up view of their pup.
 My goal is to go paddle boarding on Lake Washington someday...preferably on a hot summer day!

Meanwhile, at our home some of the trees are almost bare now, while some others are in their full autumn beauty. I like to forage for little bunches of autumn color to bring inside, which I much prefer over faux foliage.
This weekend we set our clocks back and the countdown to winter begins. Meanwhile, I'm savoring the beauty of autumn 2017.

still following ,

Flower Friday


  1. Hi Elizabeth, beautiful Autumn post! I especially love the photo of that tree with the colorful pods. Thanks for the reminder to set our clocks back, one year we forgot and pulled up to the church parking lot and wondered where everyone had gone. The Rapture . . . on Lord don't forget about me, LOL.
    Have a marvelous day and thanks again for this gorgeous post.
    Connie :)

    1. HaHa! Oh that fear of being "left behind"! I used to fear that, too. Now I know that my relationship with Jesus isn't as tenuous as I used to fear. Thank you so much for your sweet comment!

  2. so much beauty in your autumn world. Love the bright colored leaves adn teh fruit.

  3. Love the photos of the leaves contrasting with the water.
    Thanks for linking up at

    1. Thanks, Sue! I loved the contrast of the sunny day, the blue, blue lake and the autumn colors as well!

  4. I think I pick the first photo as my favorite, but they're all wonderful. Sounds like a great day with the littlekins. We have dipped into the colder days here already in Ohio...brrr. Not quite ready for October to be over, but at least have the holiday's warm glows to look forward to. :) Thanks for linking at Pictorial Tuesday.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. I'm already decorating for Christmas in my mind. I'm definitely NOT one of those who dreads holiday season!

  5. Wonderful color moods and well capured photos.
    Greetings from Germany

    1. I love how our world is connected through our love of photography!

  6. Beautiful photos from this picturesque place!

  7. I love how you brought in a piece of autumn into your home. :) The color of the leaves in that first photo is all shades of lovely!

  8. Lovely serene, autumnal images, Elizabeth!
    Thank you for taking part in the Travel Tuesday meme.

  9. It seems I'm always catching up! I love the photos of a favorite place. It brings back memories of times when our son and daughter-in-law were in school there. Your photo skills always amaze me. Thanks for sharing this beautiful day out with your grandson.


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