
Monday, October 23, 2017

Choosing an attitude of gratitude...

I actually had to read back through last week's entries in my gratitude journal to remember what I did last week!  All I know is that it was busy and it zoomed by!  Busy and blessed!
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-meeting a friend that I haven't seen in thirty years and my cousin, (who in a strange turn of events became her friend and reconnected us), for lunch and a wonderful catching up session
-golden hour, the way the sun is shining on the colorful autumn trees
-texts filled with fun photos and videos of our grandkids

-a sweet couple of hours watching my three year old grandson-telling stories, getting and giving hugs and kisses
-sunny sunflowers on my kitchen counter
-baking bread and making soup for our small group

-editing more photos of our trip to Maine and reliving the wonderful time we had
-gray skies but a warm-ish breeze on my walk
-encouragement and support from our mentor
-falling asleep early while reading a good book

-a walk in spite of a deluge of rain!
-fun video of our four month old grandson "talking"
-my husband

-beautiful autumn colors on the drive home

-a delicious Friday date day dinner at one of our favorite restaurants
-finishing my latest Mitford book

-a sleepover at our house for the two youngest granddaughters
-Dizzy Castle indoor playground with the girls on this very rainy day
-my husband tucking them in for me when I fell asleep on the couch due to a migraine

-a fabulous message at church
-His body given and broken for me, His blood shed for me
-being able to bless my daughter with some cash back and coupons on clothes for the girls

still following,



  1. Love, love, love your gratitude posts! xo

  2. Amazed at all you squeeze into your life! Busy and blessed is RIGHT! :)

  3. You really had a blessed week. Fall looks beautiful where you live.

  4. Blessings and more blessings. Reminds me of the old hymn 'Showers of Blessing'. You have definitely been showered with blessings, dear friend.

  5. How was the last Mitford book? I am re-reading them all in the next few months.


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