
Saturday, October 14, 2017

God's Extended Arm...

In Michelangelo's famous painting found on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Creation of Adam, God is depicted with an outstretched arm reaching toward the hand of Adam.  The truth is that God has never stopped reaching out towards mankind with His great love and grace.  So great was the desire of His heart to reach out to us, to pull us out of the pit of sin, despair and bondage from which we could not escape on our own, that He sent His Beloved Only Son to rescue us.  The salvation He gives us is not earned or deserved, it is not a reward for any thing we have done, it is a pure unmerited gift.  It's grace. It's favor.  It's God's great heart ever reaching out, ever inclined, toward His creation, toward you and I.  All we have to do is believe, reach up, and receive His ever extended arm-receive the gracious gift of His great grace and salvation.

You may be thinking, why I did that years ago! ( (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, October 15th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Also happily linking up with the lovely
The Mom Gene


  1. That is just so glorious; it just blows my mind every time someone writes that, every time I read in God's precious Holy Word that this salvation is a pure unmerited free gift of God, it just . . . humbles me and wraps my heart up in such joy that I can't really express it.

    1. God's grace and love definitely is mind blowing!

  2. I love your connection with Michelangelo's painting. God is ALWAYS reaching out to us. A lovely visual reminder.

  3. What a wonderful scripture reminder. We were Chosen, we are Forgiven, we are Loved beyond measure. Love your Fall colors photograph. Have a wonderful week. :)

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

  4. More beautiful fall leaves! I love that word picture of God reaching out to us.

  5. Had a busy week, so I'm just sitting down to read most of the Sunday blogs this morning. Thanks so much for sharing these verses out of Ephesians. If only more people would understand this simple, central message of the Bible.


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