
Saturday, October 21, 2017

He Himself is our peace...

The trees were beautifully adorned in their golden autumn colors as my husband and I were driving home yesterday afternoon.  I wanted to capture the beauty in a quick phone photo through the windshield, but the phone focused more on the raindrops than the trees.

The background of the verse seen in the photo above and found in Ephesians chapter two is the enmity between the Jewish believers and the Gentile believers.  The Jewish believers were having a hard time accepting the fact that those "uncircumcised Gentiles" had the same access to salvation through Jesus Christ that they did.  Paul goes on to explain that Christ Himself is our peace and has abolished the enmity between the two and has made us into one body in Him. Paul was trying to shift their focus off of the raindrops, their differences, and onto the beauty of God's plan, that all those who accept salvation through Christ, whether Jew or Gentile, are part of Christ's body.

It's so very easy to focus on the raindrops in our life, isn't it?  I read or watch the news and my focus becomes on how messed up our world is, blinding me to the fact that God and His people are up to some incredible things in the the midst of the mess.  My husband makes me coffee, and I notice that he didn't wipe up the small spill he made on the countertop causing me to I lose my focus on what a blessing he is.  A problem in our body of believers can get my focus off of the blessing of the recent influx of new believers we are currently discipling.  The examples might be different for you.  Perhaps your focus is on how hard it is to get anything done around the house with little ones constantly demanding your attention and making messes and it's blinding you to the beauty and blessings found in this stage of your life.  Perhaps, not of your own choosing, you are single, divorced, or widowed and the pain of your situation is making it difficult for you to see God's faithfulness, presence and provision in the middle of your pain.  There are as many different examples as there are people.   ( (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, October 22nd, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

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Also happily linking up with the lovely
The Mom Gene


  1. Beautiful post, Elizabeth, and it so confirmed for me what I felt the Lord reminding me of this morning - the importance of keeping our focus on Him. So grateful to have His instruction reiterated! Have a blessed Sunday!

    1. And your post blessed and emphasized to me something God was speaking to me!

  2. oh how i allow (allow!) distractions to take center stage rather than responding to the pure loveliness of a moment. sigh... realizing it (yet again) now i'm wanting to look deeper and with a bit of tunnel vision on the sweetness in life. ♥ for in HIM i have my very being.

    1. Life has not been easy, I know, but I do see you focusing on the sweetness when I see your posts...the coziness of home, the yummy meals, time with your husband, time with friends.

  3. I love the idea that we focus on the raindrops of life...not because it's what I should, but because I am so easily distracted from the Truth.

    1. It's easy to be distracted and of course distracted is exactly what the enemy of our soul wants us to be!

  4. The ONLY thing that helps me shift my focus from the raindrops is to notice all the millions of blessings that fill the days. It keeps me continually surprised by God's goodness instead of feeling neglected.

    1. Keeping a gratitude journal the past eight years has definitely improved my focus. I cannot deny the reality of God's faithfulness and blessings in my life...I see them every day!

  5. Great wisdom today. Thank you. I need to refocus on what is important: children and not look at the messes they make. :) Thank you for your reminder.

    1. Cheryl, I remember those days, and now have to remind myself when the grandkids are over!

  6. I was just editing some recent photos the other day. My camera also focused on the raindrops instead of the lovely trees I was trying to capture, and I had similar thoughts about my own focus in life. Great post today, Elizabeth.

  7. Steadying the mind on that scripture is truly something to focus on, but as you say, I too lose focus. I end up looking at the raindrops...Can't see the sunshine sometimes for the raindrops in my face. :) With world events going on lately, I am truly trying to focus on what your post says...we are all God's people and only he knows each of us. We can only love, but some days...I do lose my peace. What a great scripture you share.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. It is easy to lose our peace with all that is going on in our world. I want to learn to abide in Christ and His peace.


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