
Monday, October 2, 2017

I will give thanks to You forever...

I woke up in the wee hours this morning to the news of the massacre in Las Vegas. I felt myself giving into despair over our sin sick world and the evil that is being poured out on our planet.  As the news unfolded throughout the day I began to hear story after story of ordinary people risking their own lives to help others.  On this very sad, very difficult day, I give thanks that the light always overcomes the darkness.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-texts with fun photos and videos of our grandson
-God working things out when I ask and surrender
-my husband's gratitude when I made him a favorite dinner

-our youngest grandson all smiles when I watched him this morning-
and oh, that adorable dimple!
(my daughter snapped this shot at his four months checkup)
-a little afternoon nap before a busy evening
-God's gentle humbling of me to show me that my way isn't always the best way 
-our small group

-taking a day of rest after three days of migraine
-feeling well enough for an afternoon walk
-autumn colors
-spending the evening with my husband before going out of town for a wedding tomorrow

-a nice drive to Bend with my son-in-law and grandgirlies
-being a help to my daughter, (who's busy with matron of honor duties), 
by helping with my grandgirlies, the flower girls
-the beauty of Central Oregon and the wonderful smell of juniper in the air

-a fun morning with the grandgirlies-breakfast out, shopping for sweaters to go with their flower girl dresses, a walk along the river

-so many funny wedding moments with the girls
-a sweet ceremony
my beautiful oldest daughter
my grandgirlies are on the left and right

the happy bride and groom
-a beautiful clear, starry night, for the wedding after a bit of rain during the day
-our granddaughters dancing with their mama and daddy

-the drive home with my oldest daughter-
(it's been way too long since we've had such a good time to talk)
-the joy of puttering around the house when I got home
-a fun evening with some of the young families from church

-October first!
-my husband filling my car up with gas before church
-an afternoon of rest after church

still following,


  1. I too have felt the despair over the Las Vegas shooting. Thanks for the reminder of gratitude. When I read Ann's book, I thought I'd never forget to give thanks...but sometimes I do need the reminder! I probably need to read the book every year :)

  2. Your gratitude posts are always such a bright spot in my week, Elizabeth :)

  3. Those are great thanksgiving thanks that you share. You inspired me to read Ann Voskamp, I bought and read her inspiring book (The Broken Way), but have not started a thanksgiving journal. I probably should as it might help with these days of so much going on in the keep my sight where it should be. On the light. I so agree with your the light does outshine the dark when I read of some stories of heroism from Las Vegas. I cringe wondering if I could be so helpful in such horrific circumstances as the ones who did stay and help and even took bullets as they helped. God, I'm sure, was there giving them the foresight to be the hero. He was there or it would have been much worse. Even in all that, I count that the Devil was defeated that evening or there would have been worse outcomes. Thanks for the reminder to give thanks in all situations. :)

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles


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