
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Planting good seeds in difficult times...

This week began with the horrific news of a mass shooting in Las Vegas.  Sometimes it feels like the darkness is winning.  That is, of course, exactly what the enemy of our souls wants us to think.  he wants us to sink into despair and hopelessness and helplessness. he wants us to think that there's nothing we can do to make a difference against the deluge of sin.  But, did you stay tuned to the news reports beyond the initial bad news?  Did you see and hear how in the midst of the chaos, ordinary people took heroic measures to help total strangers at the risk of their own lives? There was report after report of hundreds of people doing the right thing when face to face with overwhelming evil.

I hope you and I will never face the level of darkness that happened in Los Vegas this week, but we do all live in this sin sick world don't we?  What are some practical ways you and I can be lights in the darkness?  I think Hosea 10:12 can help us.  (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, October 8th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Also happily linking up with the lovely
The Mom Gene


  1. Excellent word this morning, Elizabeth! Thanks so much.

    1. Thank YOU, Marilyn of being such an encouragement.

  2. i had my eyes on the same thing this week, Elizabeth...the heroic acts of ordinary men and women. Thank you for reminding me of it again today.

    1. It's important to keep our eyes on what God is up to!

  3. I read or hear of the stories of the heroes and when I do, then I was assured that Satan may have began that attack in Vegas, but God was there on the ground giving strength and helping the heroes ~ or things, even though terrible, would have been far worse. He is there even in the bad times. You are so right...we can't lose faith or hopelessness even in my angry over the senselessness, we can find the light. It was nice to read of late the goodness in people that has come out with the hurricanes devastations and this latest evil act in Vegas.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. I so agree that God is always on the scene and at work if only we have eyes to see. It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the bad news and forget to notice what God is up to.

  4. Thank you! We do live in a sin sick world, but there are so many doing good each day and following the Savior. Thank you for your words.

    1. I agree Cheryl. We can't get weary in well doing or lose heart.


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