
Monday, October 30, 2017


Tomorrow is Halloween, but in my heart and mind I'm already thinking about Thanksgiving. This holiday that is focused on giving thanks and gathering with family and friends is definitely more preferred by me than Halloween, though I loved Halloween when I was a little girl. However, it definitely seemed to me more innocent fun all those years ago.  Costumes were simple, and not meant to be terrifying or gorey. A twenty five cent mask or an old sheet with eye holes cut into it plus a pillowcase to collect our candy in were all we needed for a night full of fun. We could not wait for dinner to be over and for it to begin to get dark enough to head out and begin trick or treating.  We would wander all over our little town without fear.   No one was afraid of or suspicious of homemade treats like caramel apples or popcorn balls.  At some houses we were invited inside for donuts and apple cider.  We would come home with our pillowcases heavy and bulging with candy.  I remember trying to ration it out through the year in hopes it would last until the next Halloween.  I don't think I ever succeeded.  It seems to me that Halloween has become a lot more dark, gruesome and creepy instead of the harmless fun I remember.  So, I've already moved on to Thanksgiving in my mind.  It's a wonderful holiday, but even more, a wonderful lifestyle.  I believe that a thankful heart is a contented,  joy filled heart.  And now, onto this past week's gratitude journal entries...

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)
#10, 375-#10,397

-a beautiful foggy morning
-fiinishing this week's Ephesians inductive study
-a beautifully sunny afternoon
-yummy pork chops for dinner

-our youngest grandson's sweet giggles
-the flaming autumn colors of the tree in our front yard
-my hub's is safe after helping to catch a hit and run driver of an accident he witnessed
-I just love our small group! Thank you, Lord!

-our youngest grandbaby is five months old today
-my light, white kitchen
-sitting with my good friend at the hospital while she had tests due to chest pains
(Thank God it was not a heart issue!)

-thanking God that our second born and her family are safely home from a fun vacation
-a mini-getaway overnight to the beach
-absolutely gorgeous weather at the beach

-a quiet morning at the coast to work on my Bible study and a writing project
-another beautiful day for a beach walk
-a safe drive back home

-watching our grandbaby while my husband, daughter and son-in-law go to the football game
-a gorgeous autumn day!
-safe drive to the game and back home

- this song-"I am Who He say I am
He is Who He says He is
I'm defined by all His promises
Shaped by every word He says"
-His body broken for me, His blood shed for me
-a two hour nap!

still following,

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