
Saturday, November 18, 2017

Remember and speak up...

What wonders has God done in your life?  

Let's brainstorm some possibilities that might trigger you to remember some of God's works/wonders in your life.

  • The wonder of your salvation.  What is your salvation story?
  • The wonder of God setting you free. Has God set you free from an area of bondage, addiction, fear, worry, depression?
  • The wonder of a relationship that changed your life. How has God interwoven your life with the life of someone who impacted your life forever?
  • The wonder of His protection.  Have you ever been in a situation where you know that God miraculously spared your life?
  • The wonder of His provision. Do you have a story of God's provision for your needs?
  • The wonder of His healing.  Has God healed your body, or your mind, will, and emotions?
  • The wonder of His empowerment to endure difficulty?  Has God ever supernaturally enabled you to face and get through a difficult time of testing and trial?
  • The wonder of His companionship.  How has God revealed Himself to you as a friend?
Why not take the time to sit down and journal some of the ways God has worked in your life?  

Do your family and friends know your wonder stories? 

(Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, November 19th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Also happily linking up with the lovely
The Mom Gene


  1. I will remember....
    As I've aged and look back, some days it does hit me the things God has done when I wasn't even aware. Mostly, when I think of all things that can happen and didn't, I give thanks...just small things that I wouldn't even have thought needed his intervening. I remember the happy and the sad that he has lead me through and probably more to come. He is Good on so many levels even when we aren't meditating on him. Great scripture blessing you share as a remember.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

  2. Brainstorming indeed! Stories were triggered in my mind for almost all of your points. Looks like I have some important blog posts to write - as I need to remember and speak up a bit more. After all, not everyone has heard all my stories! Thanks, Elizabeth.

  3. The wonder of His love. The wonder of His care for me in the intimate and important details. Thanks for the reminder Elizabeth to speak up about what He has done.


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