
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Peace on our little piece of earth...

At Christmastime more than ever, I want to sense the nearness of the Prince of Peace.  I want the peace that Jesus has promised to be in me and to flow out from me to others. I want our home to be filled with peace. 

I understand that we are living in anything but peaceful times.  But here, in this little piece of planet earth that is my body, my family, my home, my sphere of influence, I don't want the chaos "out there" to rule what's going on "in here".  Colossians 3:15 says that the peace of God is what should be ruling in our heart and mind.

The Christmas season tends to be full and busy. There's shopping and baking and Christmas card sending and holiday gathering hosting and that's on top of the normal activities that already fill our calendars.  There are three things that have helped to keep me sane-to keep me filled up with God's peace this year.  First of all, it's making sure to spend quiet time in His presence before the busyness of the day begins. Connecting with the Prince of Peace is essential to having His peace! As I've gotten older, I've turned into an early bird! I've come to love the quiet of the early morning hours. I sip my coffee, read my Bible, journal and spend time in prayer. When I have an especially busy day ahead I ask God for His help in ordering my day and getting things done.  When I have shopping to do, I ask Him to lead me to the best bargain and to help my money to stretch!  God cares about whatever concerns us. Nothing is too small, or too big for that matter, to take to God in prayer.  The second thing that has helped me to keep a peaceful mind and heart in the holiday busyness is to listen to worship music, Christmas music, or uplifting podcasts while I am hustling around trying to get things done.  It's amazing how worship music can minister to my spirit and God can speak to my heart even while my body is busy cleaning house and getting ready to host a large holiday gathering. The last thing that has really helped me to maintain a peaceful mind and heart is to take a good walk outdoors each day.  While it seems like a brisk hours walk is an hour that could be used to get other things done, I need the exercise and the fresh air and time in God's creation to keep my wits about me. The photo of the sunset above was taken on a very busy day. I forced myself to go on a walk, even though these shorter days meant I was risking it getting dark before I was done.  The fresh air and exercise, the worship music playing in my earphones as I walked, getting to see the beauty of the sunset - it completely rejuvenated me in body, soul and spirit.

We are a week away from Christmas Eve.  If you're like me, you've got a list of things to get done between now and then. Let's add something to our lists, shall we?  Let's add-Live in God's peace.

still following,
(Woman to Woman Ministries, where I normally write on Sunday, is on holiday break until January 2nd.)

Also happily linking up with the lovely
The Mom Gene


  1. I have been taking time each morning to focus my thoughts on His coming. It has surely made all the difference. May you and your family have a blessed Christmas!

    1. May your Christmas overflow with God's peace, presence and blessings!

  2. I'm an early bird too, Elizabeth. The dark hours before anyone else is up when I pray and read my Bible and write are the necessities for me to find that peace. If I don't make that time, I feel so unsettled and more irritable and off-balance. Of course, I can't always make it happen and I know even in the off-balance days, God teaches me to find peace beyond my circumstances.

  3. Good reminders of ways to keep His peace in the busyness of this world. I'm an early bird and,like you, I love the quiet of the morning for time with the Lord.

  4. I recently had a health scare, and at first the evil one started to put worry in my heart. But no, I turned instead and asked for the Peace that only God can give. And it was there. Matthew 21: 22 - If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. I like that you say you ask for guidance as you go out in your day. I forget to do those things.
    Very true on the Holiday rush, etc.

    Merry Christmas

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles


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