
Monday, December 11, 2017

Thank You, God...

The Christmas season reminds me of the magnitude of God's plan in sending His perfect, holy Son to be born into our sin twisted world as our substitutionary sacrifice for sin.  That alone is reason enough to give thanks to God 'til the end of my days.  Yet, day by day, He blesses me in a myriad of other ways.  And, so, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and once a week it spills out here in this place...

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-a super sweet time in God's presence as I listened to worship and prayed on my walk
-some sweet time with our three year old grandson
-my hub's watching The Great British Baking Show with me

-group texts with my siblings on my brother's birthday
-a bald eagle soaring overhead as I drove home from the grocery store
-finishing our challenging inductive Bible study on Ephesians with our small group

-the She Reads Truth Advent devotional
-a really fun day shopping and having lunch with my youngest daughter when my good friend had to cancel going with me
-a walk at sunset
-my husband's love

-a quiet morning
-another gorgeous, cloudless, cold and crisp day
-three financial miracles in one day amongst us and our children

-our gorgeous Mt Hood showing off on this beautiful day
-Friday Date Day!-a yummy seafood lunch 
-watching a favorite show with my guy

-the Lamb of God Who is coming back as King of Kings
-a beautiful late afternoon walk 
-our church's Homebuilders group coming to our house for dessert

-the way God builds His church with ones He knows we needed
-our annual date to the Northwest Gospel Christmas with the Oregon Symphony

-the encore was my favorite-"Joy to the World"- (done like the version from the Preacher's Wife movie)-

still following,


  1. Those desserts look yummy!!!

  2. Amen to thank you God, thank you Jesus. Merry Christmas to you and yours as I visit from Sara's Sweet Magnolia Farm.


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