
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A belated Christmas gift-my new Simplex copper teakettle

Two years ago, our trip to London, (with a short jaunt to Paris), just added to my love of so many things found in French and English homes that I've had for longer than I can remember.  I've got a small collection of French copper cookware, but when it comes to copper teakettles, the one that I had my eye on was a Simplex copper teakettle from England.  When my husband asked me to give him a list of some Christmas gift ideas, the teakettle was at the top of my list. When it came on sale, he ordered it right away...but then it was backordered.  He disappointedly told me that he had ordered it but that it wasn't going to come in time for me to open it on Christmas day.  I told him that it would be worth the wait, and it sure was!
It came in a plain cardboard box with a nicely gift wrapped box surrounded by bubble wrap inside.
Inside the gift wrapped box was the teakettle, all wrapped up in it's cloth storage bag.
Isn't it so lovely?
I begin my day by sipping a couple of cups of fully caffeinated hot coffee.  But, later in the day my hot beverage of choice is one of my favorite decaf teas. 

 I foresee even more tea drinking in my future!

still following,

Flower Friday


  1. I've been shopping for a teakettle for our new travel trailer. I finally found what I wanted but it wasn't like yours! I love the style and the copper is gorgeous. I'm sure it makes your cup of tea even better every afternoon!

    1. Le Creuset has a cute small version teakettle in various colors. You should look at the Woodburn outlet!

  2. I'm a tea drinker after years of being a coffee drinker. Your copper tea kettle is beautiful!

    1. Long ago you won a giveaway for one of my cup drawings! I never heard back from you. Contact me!

  3. I'd be looking for excuses to use such a pretty kettle, too, Elizabeth!

  4. Oh, I really like it. Looks beautiful. I drink tea, and had a kettle years ago, but now just microwave hot water, etc. Just not the same. I think I really should have been born in England or the centuries where it was cutomary for afternoon tea. I love the English movies and even the murder mysteries because they always offer tea as a calming. :) I agree, worth the wait.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. There's nothing like the whistle of a teakettle on a cold or gloomy, rainy day!

  5. What a beautiful tea kettle. I am sure you are enjoying it!

  6. That is one lovely kettle! I would be drinking more tea (than I already am!) if I have that kettle.

  7. A beautiful kettle - lovely!
    Thanks for sharing at

  8. It's beautiful! I also drink coffee in the morning, but in the afternoon I switch to tea. And at least once a week, my girls and I sit down for tea - with fancy tea cups!

  9. Replies
    1. I'm thankful for my husband who bought me this! I love it!


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