
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A walk to the park...

Our two youngest granddaughters had no school on Martin Luther King day.
Unfortunately, my daughter got the flu and my son-in-law was out of town,
but happily that meant the grandgirlies got to spend the day with me!
The weather was great, so we walked to the park, where the girls played and explored for a couple of hours.
I brought my camera with me and told the girls we were going to play a game.
We were each to pick three beautiful things we saw on our walk and I would take photos of them.
Then we would choose the most beautiful photo of them all.

In my opinion, the photos of my granddaughters are definitely the winners!

still following,

Flower Friday


  1. Sounds like a nice, chill day with your granddaughters. (I really love that first pic, by the way.)

  2. Beautiful photography. I can't wait for my grandkids to be old enough to venture out and do things like this.

    1. I'm sure you will have a lot of Nana adventures with your grandkids in the years to come. Being a nana is the best!

  3. Your photography is beautiful! How wonderful to enjoy time with your two granddaughters!

  4. You got some great captures. We're snowed in here but cannot wait for some Spring days that resemble your beautiful captures.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. We had a couple of inches of snow on Christmas Eve, which made it quite exciting to have a white Christmas! We've not had the cold and snow here in the Pacific Northwest like the rest of the country, however.

  5. Thanks for sharing, not much of a chance of getting into the woods with the snow here, but it is nice to experience it even virtually.

    1. While it looks like the woods, it's just a neighborhood park that has been left wooded, with a walking trail around it and one area cleared for a playground. My younger grands think it's the real forest however, and there is much imaginative play about what wildlife lives there.

  6. What a beautiful place to walk. It looks so peaceful. Have a great week!

    1. Our town has neighborhood parks that are left wooded and natural with walking paths around them and one area cleared for a playground. My grandkids love our nearby park!

  7. The girls are definitely tied for the win! Those white seeds look just like the pods on the Tallow tree in my front yard. Can't wait until the cedar waxwings fly in to eat them up! Blessings on your week!

    1. I think the white berries are called snowberries. One of my granddaughters wanted me to take that photo.

  8. It looks like you had a lovely outing!
    Thanks for sharing at

    1. I love enjoying the beautiful outdoors with my grandkids. Thank you so much for hosting each week!

  9. I agree, your granddaughters look adorable framed by the tree. I do love the 'rooty' tree though!

  10. Love the photos but I agree - the girls are definitely the winners!

  11. Beautiful park and it looks like the girls were really enjoying it!


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