
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder...

I used to work on my weekly gratitude posts on Sunday afternoons, but for quite some time I've decided to make Sunday afternoons a true time of rest if at all possible.  So, my goal is to write my weekly gratitude post on Monday, but yesterday real life got in the way.  There were errands to run and our daughter, who was hit by a pickup truck while out jogging last Thursday, had some medical appointments so we helped with the grandkids. 

With all of that said, THANK YOU to all of those who have been praying for my daughter.  Recovery from brain trauma takes time but we are confident that prayer makes all the difference and that the brain, skull and ear damage will be completely healed.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)
#10,675 #10,697

-listening to podcasts
-afternoon tea and a good visit 
-Costco rotisserie chicken when I don't want to cook

-making this soup for small group
-a rainy day walk while listening to a great message on the Sermon on the Mount
-our small group's first gathering since the holiday break

-coffee and candlelight and the book of Matthew
-new iron pot racks bought with a gift card from friends
-a wonderful dinner out with friends that we don't get to see often enough

-my oldest friend, (not in age but in how long we've been friends), 
and her husband coming by for lunch and a visit while they are in town
-angels watching over my daughter who was hit by a truck while out jogging
-the lady who let me go in line ahead of her in ER so I could get back to see my girl
-my daughter is alive, thank you, Jesus-it could have been so much worse

-up early to go to the hospital
-some more scans, some more insights into the damage 
-hundreds of people praying, dozens of offers of help
-just so, so thankful

-finishing the book of Matthew-remembering all that Jesus suffered for my salvation
-friends and family checking in to see how our girl, and we, are doing
-my hubs and I going to bed early after a super emotional few days

-God at work in us and our church
-lunch with some of our grandkids and friends
-my husband taking me to run a quick errand before coming home for some Sunday rest

still following,


  1. So much to be thankful for - as always. But even more this week. Still praying for your daughter and family and for you, dear friend.

    1. Thank you! Looking forward to getting together soon!

  2. Our hearts are connected--even though we've never met.

    Thank you for this post. Saying a prayer for your daughter and family.


    1. Indeed! Isn't the family of God a wonderful thing!

  3. So thankful she is doing well, Elizabeth! Continued prayers.


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