
Saturday, January 6, 2018

Happy Renewing Year

The turn of a new year can be a mixed bag of emotions.  It can bring hopeful expectation of new beginnings with empty calendar pages, pristine planners and clean white journal pages waiting to be filled with new resolutions, plans and goals. The changing of the year can be accompanied by anticipation of the future - plans for travel and vacation, an upcoming wedding, the expected arrival of a new baby, or the anticipation of a hard earned graduation or retirement. But, the arrival of a new year can also be the reminder of the unfulfilled hopes and dreams of the previous year, of failure, of aging and the relentless speed of life zooming by.  In other words, to some the new year reminds us that the passing of time means we are day by day growing older and will one day pass away.  It can cause us to evaluate our life's accomplishments and to question if we've lived our life well.  Yes, the passing of an old year and the arrival of a new year can definitely be a mixed bag of expectation and introspection.  So, how do face the new year with more hope and less discouragement? (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, January 7th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Also happily linking up with the lovely
The Mom Gene


  1. I always have so many mixed feelings over the new year. My primary one is relief though...that we've made it through another season of holidays and spring is on the way and there is so much to look forward to. I love that you are encouraging women to walk into the new year with hope.

  2. I am trying to count my blessing! I have been given so much and if I reflect on that, I don't feel as overwhelmed.

    1. Yes, counting my blessings has made a HUGE difference in my outlook on life.

  3. Dad is 89 and says, "No need to make resolutions if you're living your life the way you should be on a daily basis." He's a wise man, my Da.
    Have a blessed and safe 2018.

  4. I hope everyone clicks through and reads your full post. It reminded me of those verses in Lamentations 3 that tell us that God's mercies are new every morning. There's something so great about fresh starts. Happy renewing year to you!

    1. Julie, thank you or your encouragement! I am so very thankful for God's new mercies for each day!

  5. So true with the new year and aging. I've adapted the glad I woke up on this side of the grass as they say with aging. I try not to reflect on the huge past vs the small future that is out in front. We never know, but as I'm in my 70's now...well, it is just one day at a time. I thank God every day for my one day at a time. Your post is so spot on with how we face the new year even in our youth. I can look back on last year and be thankful for many things as a senior citizen. And I welcome whatever this year brings, and yes, God can give the courage and the strength as only he can so that I don't crumble. He builds us up better than anything can..well, I do like my coffee though. ~smiles~

    Happy New Year

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. I am right there with you, friend, about the coffee! And I had no idea you are in your seventies! You seem very young at heart to me!


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