
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Winter day by the sea...

On the day after Christmas my husband and I went to the coast for three days.
I count it a huge blessing to live less than a two hour drive from the Pacific Ocean.
The sea is definitely my favorite place to recharge body, soul and spirit.
My husband rented us an ocean front hotel suite and it was the perfect getaway after a busy month.
There was beach access right out of our patio doors.
The moody Oregon Coast was gray and the weather was rainy.
But, with a raincoat, hat and boots on I still loved walking by the sea.

In every season, the sea is so beautiful and majestic and one of my most favorite places-
even on a rainy winter day.

still following,

Flower Friday


  1. You know I love the Oregon Coast. Your photos are wonderful and I can't wait to go again. In a little more than a week we will be there.

  2. A getaway sounds heavenly. I spent most of the holidays with colds and flu and family and preparations. Also, so lucky to be so close to the Ocean. Awesome. Happy New Year to you and yours.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. There are so many bad flu bugs this year! I hope you are feeling better.

  3. Replies
    1. The Oregon coast is very rarely warm, but it is always beautiful!

  4. There's something about the sea that puts everything in perspective!
    Thanks for sharing your lovely images with us at

  5. Gorgeous! I need some beach time even in cloudy ray weather! The beach is my happy place!

  6. Love seeing the sea, beach, rocks through your eyes, Elizabeth. There is beauty everywhere. Happy New Year, friend!

    1. God's creation refreshes the spirit doesn't it?


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