
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Friday Faves...My Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies

For years I used the "ultimate" chocolate chip cookie recipe as it was popularly called.
They were good, but then I tried this FANTASTIC recipe from Picky Palate -
The secret ingredient that makes all the difference is the browned butter.
The recipe starts with browning two sticks of real butter.
(If you've never browned butter before click the link above to Picky Palate's recipe and she will show you how.)
 After the butter cools for five minutes you combine it with 
1 1/4 cups of brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons good vanilla.
It looks and smells like caramel.
Then you add
 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
2 3/4 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel, (sea salt- I just use kosher salt)
and after that is all blended
add 10 ounces of chocolate chips.
Scoop dough onto parchment paper covered cookie sheet and sprinkle with additional sea salt.
Bake in a preheated 375 degree oven for 9-11 minutes.
(In my oven, 11 minutes is exactly right.)
Cool on cookie sheet for five minutes,
then transfer the cookies to a cooling rack.
These cookies are especially delectable eaten warm.

Have a happy Friday
a safe and blessed weekend!




  1. These look delicious! Never gave thought to sprinkling them with sea salt but that sounds wonderful :) Going to give this recipe a try very soon!

  2. Those look amazing! I must try them.


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