
Monday, February 19, 2018

Presidents' Day gratitude...

It's Presidents' day and we woke up to snow for the second time in the last few days. And here I thought we were going to have an early spring!  I don't mind. There's something to enjoy and be grateful for no matter the weather. Today I neglected my to-do list using the holiday and the snow as excuses. I enjoyed some time with our middle grandson who came over for breakfast and to play in the snow. Then I said "sure!" to a friend who wanted help finding some new chairs and rugs for her new home. (I'm always game when it comes to helping someone decorate their home!) When I got home I made my husband his favorite homemade meatballs and sauce for dinner which made him happy, (and me as well!) Tomorrow I may feel crunched for time when I have to add today's tasks to tomorrow's to-do list but today was worth it. I'm thankful, for Presidents' Day, for snow, for family, for friends, for God's continued faithfulness each and every day.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-this cold, clear day
-crocuses and daffodils in bloom

-a friend stopping by for prayer
-a quiet evening home together

-a phone call with my big brother
-a job too long procrastinated finally accomplished
-my husband helping me with the dinner for our small group

-waking up to the surprise of some Valentine's day snow
-a sweet card, flowers, dinner and a movie from my guy
-finding just the right present for our granddaughter's birthday
-a hopeful prognosis for someone I love

-our middle granddaughter's birthday
-our Truelife Espanol pastor helping me learn a new program on the computer
-a sweet time with all six grands at our granddaughter's birthday party

-texts from our daughter that our youngest grandson learned something new, 
which seems to happen everyday
-yummy Friday date day breakfast
-a slow, lazy, relaxing day off

-catching up on sleep last night
-a breakthrough during my prayer time
-babysitting our youngest grandson

-an encouraging word for our church
-wonderful worship
-lunch with friends
-more February snow!

still following,


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