
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Presidents' Day Snow Day...

Sunday afternoon it began to intermittently snow and thaw and has been doing that ever since. So much for my supposition that we were going to have an early spring! That means that Monday, Presidents' Day, was a day off from school and work for many people as well as a snow day. Our three year old grandson came over to spend some time with us since his siblings were hanging out with friends. We enjoyed a big breakfast together and then he had a snowball fight with papa while I wandered around the yard capturing the beauty with my camera.
I love this photo of the hellebores with the snow on them.

But of all of the photos my favorite is this photo of our grandson packing a snowball with a twinkle in his eye and and a plan to get back at Papa in his mind.

still following,

Flower Friday


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just gorgeous, the plants laden with snow

  3. He's an adorable child!
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. Oh, sweet! Twinkle in his eye indeed! :)

    1. His smile has always shown in his eyes, even as a baby.

  5. He looks so happy! What a beautiful day <3

    1. He's a happy, sweet boy and we love hanging out with him!

  6. What a lovely smile and adorable little one. They do love the snow so much. Actually, we were out of norm here and in the 70's, but rain today and back to freezing. Ohio cannot make up its mind on the weather lately. Great photos..thanks for sharing.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. I was sure we were going to have a mild winter and early spring as temps had been mild and flowers were already popping up. I guess winter wanted to have a last hurrah!

  7. Beauty indeed! I was hoping you'd share more of you snow/spring pictures! Your grandson is precious!

  8. There's nothing quite like enjoying snow with a little boy - especially when he's as cute as your grandson. Love the photos of your garden in the snow but the best is the look on his face. Mischief and an all-boy look!


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