
Monday, February 26, 2018

Snowy week gratitude...

Due to Presidents' Day and this week's late winter snow some of our normal activities were cancelled. I'm not complaining. This homebody enjoyed a bit of unexpected time off!
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a snowy Presidents' day
-our three year old grandson coming over for breakfast and to play in the snow
-an invitation to go shopping with a friend 

-another snowy day
-picking up the oldest grands from school
-our three year old grandson begging me to read him stories from his Bible story book
-the conviction of the Holy Spirit while listening to a podcast

-pink sunrise on this snowy morning
-baking cookies to give away
-signs of spring even in the midst of winter's last hurrah

-remembering the life and message of Billy Graham as we mourn his death

-our youngest daughter and grandson coming over for breakfast
-this Lenten journey through Exodus with She Reads Truth
-seeing God's plan for putting us in this neighborhood
-the way God places the right people in our life for our good

-"all I have needed You've always provided"
-lunch at our favorite spot with our daughter and grandson on our day off
-watching reruns of a favorite show together

-listening to podcasts while I clean house
-a furniture makeover fail that resulted in finding a better piece of furniture for our kitchen nook
-a really tender and sweet prayer time today

-being able to laugh at ourselves
-a fabulous message this morning
-wonderful food and fellowship with a family from church that invited us to their home after church
-God is always faithful

still following,


  1. Great list of blessings, Elizabeth. Enjoy the week ahead and pray for some warmer weather. I am anxious to get outside and take care of my rose bushes.

  2. It is so good to write down your blessings. Love the child and the snow photos!

  3. Unexpected time off is a gift indeed! I love that picture of your grandson, Elizabeth - pure JOY! Blessings on your week!

  4. It was a very different week last week with the snow and the holiday and so many things around us. Loved the snow - for awhile! Spring is showing signs of arriving soon and I'm ready! Love the photos of your grandboys.


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