
Saturday, February 10, 2018

What God has prepared for those who love Him...

The other morning I woke up with the verse above running through my mind.  Lest you think I'm super spiritual, the only thought that is typically running though my mind when I wake up is, "I need coffee!"  That is why I knew it was a God thought-something not from my own mind but from His heart to me.

Have you ever had something turn out even better than you imagined? When I asked myself this same question, one of the things that immediately came to mind was having grandchildren.  Being a "nana" is way better than I could have ever imagined!

Have you ever had the joy of making something happen for someone else that was more than they imagined?  One of my granddaughters told me after a special day together that I had planned that it was, "the best day ever!"  Those words made every bit of effort and preparation I had made worth it.

It's overwhelming to think that the God Who created this beautiful world for us to enjoy, Who sacrificed His Son for our salvation and adopted us into His eternal family, Who daily, watchfully cares and provides for and protects us, has even more wonderful surprises in store for us. (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, February 11th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Also happily linking up with the lovely
The Mom Gene


  1. Elizabeth, I cannot even imagine all God has yet in store for His children! I agree, His best is yet to come!

    1. Amen, Joanne! Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

  2. Morning Elizabeth,
    Yes, with Jesus there is always the best to come.
    I totally agree with you about Grandchildren, it has been
    one of our greatest Joys in life........all the fun with very lil of the responsiblility!!
    Have a restful Sunday
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. I totally agree! It's one of the most rewarding parts of life.

  3. Yes, we did use the same verse today, Elizabeth! Along with another couple, we pulled off an unexpected surprise for someone not long ago. It brought tears to her eyes - really did make her day. We felt so good about it - on cloud 9 the rest of that week and beyond. Can't you just imagine how excited God is to show us the things He has prepared for us and how much joy it will give Him when those things are revealed?! He loves blessing us - here on earth and eventually in heaven!

    1. I love to think about God being excited to bless us!

  4. God's patience is amazing as he waits to reveal all that will unfold. I know as a parent even as my kids are grown, I just yesterday bought my daughter's birthday gift (it's not until the middle of March), but I have already considered giving it early. It is hard to be patient when we're excited to make someone and see someone be happy. His patience is awesome as he waits for more and more to be ready to receive. :)

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

    1. I love that image of God not wanting to wait to bless us with His gifts!

  5. Elizabeth - Oh, I long to have grandchildren one day, but neither one of my children has a significant other in their life, so marriage and kids aren't in the picture for the near future at least. Can I just say, you look way too young to be a nana of 6 grandkids! Congratulations. thanks for sharing this encouragement and helping us to dream and image all that God has in store for us.... thank you also, for sharing your post at #tuneinthursday

    1. God bless you, Debbie! Thank you for hosting each week. In God's timing you will be a wonderful grandma I'm sure!


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