
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

For this I will give thanks...

Yesterday was full and busy, so I'm a day late posting my weekly gratitude list. Late or not, I strive to be faithful to post the entries from my gratitude journal here on my blog.  It's my humble attempt to remind myself, and anyone who may happen to read my blog, to look for God's faithfulness in the midst of our ordinary lives.  Too often, we get our mind stuck on some disappointment, some area where we haven't seen answered prayer as yet, and it can blind us to all of the ways that we are loved and blessed.  Choosing to count your blessings instead of your disappointments is life-changing! I'd love for you to try keeping a gratitude journal and see what God does through this simple habit.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-when my to-do list overwhelms me God always helps me to get everything done when I relinquish my day to Him
-a refrigerator full of groceries
-our whole family together for an early birthday dinner for my husband

-my husband's birthday!
-early morning calls and texted videos to Papa from the grandkids
-a surprise birthday party with our small group

-sleeping in until 7
-"You make my heart happy, too, Nana!"
(my three year old grandson's response when I told him he makes my heart happy)
-a rare day with no appointments on the calendar

-it's March!
-getting some things done before having three of the grandkids for the weekend
 while their parents attend a funeral out of state
-Hula Boy for dinner with the grands

-a wee branch in bloom on my counter
-pink sunrise
-our grandson getting a haircut with Papa

-coffee in bed before this busy day begins
-getting to know our neighbors better
-our church's help to minister to our neighbor by hosting his wife's memorial service

-the way God's Word works in our lives
-new faces at church
-God's conviction and forgiveness in my life

still following,


  1. Elizabeth, this is another amazing list of thanks and beautiful pictures.

  2. I love that you put a picture along with the list. It's amazing to see how God blesses us each and every day...

    1. Thank you, Hannah! Are you a gratitude journaler?

  3. Birthday wishes and blessings! Another full week - lovely!


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