
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Friday Faves...Hot Cross Buns

You still have time before Easter to gather your children or grandchildren,
don your aprons, and give baking Hot Cross Buns a try.
Even if they don't look perfect, I don't think you'll be disappointed in the taste.

Heat 3/4 cup milk in microwave until very warm to the touch, but not boiling.
Add 2 pkgs. dry yeast, (4 1/2 teaspoons yeast)
Add 1/3 cup sugar
Whisk all of the above and let sit until yeast is "proofed", which means it looks foamy and bubbly.
To this mixture add:
 1/2 cup vegetable or canola oil
3 lightly beaten eggs
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Mix together then add:
3 1/2-4 cups all purpose flour
Combine and knead with the dough hook on your mixer, or by hand, approximately three minutes.
Add 2/3 cup dried currants or raisins and knead to combine.
If dough is too soft add a little more flour when you add the dried currants.
Shape dough into ball.
Place into a large greased or non stick sprayed bowl and turn dough over once.
Cover with plastic wrap sprayed with non stick spray and let rise until double in size, 
about 1 1/2 hours.
(This is a good time to let the kiddos watch a movie, play outside, or play a game.)
Punch down the dough and let rest 10 minutes.
Shape into 18-20 round, smooth balls.
( Or, not so smooth if the kiddos are making them.  I may have tried to reshape a few.  Shhh! Don't tell!)
Place on greased baking sheet about an inch or so apart.
With a serrated knife, cut a shallow cross in the top of each bun.
Cover again and let rise until double in size, about 30-45 minutes.
Lightly brush the tops with a lightly beaten egg white.
Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 12-15 minutes.
Remove from baking sheet and let cool on a cooling rack.
When cool, using a pastry tube, or a plastic freezer bag with one corner cut off, 
pipe a cross on top of each bun with a glaze made of 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla and a wee splash of milk.

Have a Blessed Good Friday
a safe and blessed Easter weekend!



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