
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Friday Faves...My Favorite Wall Space Storage Solutions

In our previous home I had my pots and pans hanging on the back wall of my pantry and I loved it.  In our current home we have a pantry, but it isn't a walk in type with wall space.  Because of that, when we moved in I stored my pots and pans in the cupboard on the right side of the stove.  I really disliked having to kneel down and dig around in the cupboard to fetch my cookware every time I cooked. 

I came up with the idea of using an old ladder attached to the wall and used it as my pot rack for quite some time. Then I began to crave a more simple, clean cut solution.  I looked up wall mounted pot racks on Amazon and found these iron ones, which were the exact size I needed.  Each one was under thirteen dollars which included all of the mounting hardware and more hooks than I could ever need.  I'm very happy with the results and love having my pots and pans hanging out in the open where it's so easy to grab just what I need without digging around in a dark corner cabinet. 

In this photo, taken from our little kitchen nook seating area, you can see where the pots and pans are hanging and how the space relates in regards to the kitchen to the left and the dining room which is to the right of the photo.  My copper pots and two of my frequently used cutting boards hang on the shiplap wall for easy access...
...unlike my breadboard collection in the photo below which are mainly for display.
One of my most favorite wall storage solutions is the simple knife magnet.  I don't like using a knife block, which takes up countertop space, and keeping knives in a drawer isn't the safest solution. It also makes the knives vulnerable to nicks and scratches as they get bumped and knocked around in the drawer.  Wall mounted knife magnets are an inexpensive and easy knife storage solution.

I love to read about and see people's home organization and storage ideas. I hope you enjoyed some of my favorite kitchen storage tips.

Have a happy Friday
a safe and blessed weekend!




  1. Your pots and pans sure look better than mine. I could never display my collection of early marriage and heavy cast iron. But, I do like that you have everything right at your fingertips and so nicely arranged.

  2. I wish I had some wall space in my little kitchen so I wouldn't have to get down and rummage through the lower cabinet for my pots and pans. I love what you've done with your space and you know I recently copied your knife magnet. I love mine and wonder why I waited so long to get it.

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