
Monday, March 12, 2018

It is a good and delightful thing to give thanks to the Lord...

I was wondering today if perhaps there are people out there who read my blog and just assume that I post these weekly gratitude lists because I'm just an upbeat, half glass full type person.  Yes, I'm an optimist, but I too battle days when it would be easier to grumble than to be grateful.  I think that's, unfortunately, a common human condition.  (God showed us that clearly in the book of Exodus-no matter how many miracles God did for them, those people were constantly complaining!) The reason I keep a gratitude journal and post my list here each week is twofold.  First of all, the daily discipline of keeping a gratitude journal is my way to fight that human tendency to grumble and complain.  I want to be a person who's first response is gratitude, not grumbling.  That only happens by making gratitude a habit.  Secondly, I want to publicly give thanks for God's blessings in my life.  He deserves my public praise.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-three year old grandson so excited and sweet to give me a "flower"
-bittersweet-the grandkids back home after four days with us-the house is quiet and clean again
-God's provision-He is always faithful!

-my morning quiet time
-a day of rest after coughing much of the night
-youngest grandson's sweet smile, funny giggles, and chubby baby thighs

-pink sunrise
-"You're my favorite grown-up, Nana!" 
(my three year old's grandson's respond when I tell him he's my favorite three year old)
-lunch and antiquing with a friend
-a new coffee cup

-all of today's to-do list done!
-a walk between rain showers
-branches full of buds that the neighbor pruned off their tree

-a beautiful day for a drive to Kirkland
-our favorite teriyaki eaten by the lake
-a fun Friday date day off and getting out of town

-a slow lazy morning while my husband is at a conference
-God bringing new relationships into our lives
-enjoying a bit of pampering
-the sunset on the drive home
-the branches on our table all in bloom when we got home

-wonderful worship and presence of God
-God is at work in us!
-another sunny, warm day
-more getting rid of excess-so freeing!

still following,


  1. I love the flower your grandson gave you. I had many of them over the years - gifts from the hearts of my kids. Love the blossoms on your table and the new white bowl beside them! So many blessings!

    1. It was how excited he was to give it to me that made my heart burst.

  2. God blesses your obedience, Elizabeth. I know many, including me, are encouraged and blessed by your weekly posts!


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