
Monday, March 19, 2018

Last week of winter gratitude...

Another winter has come and gone. Spring officially begins tomorrow. It seems like just the blink of an eye ago we were celebrating the start of the new year. Now one fourth of the new year is already over.  I don't think I could be grateful in the midst of the swiftly passing seasons of time if this life was all there is.  I think I'd live in a constant state of mourning as I face my own fleeting life and how quickly my children have grown and now my grandchildren.  Because I have full confidence in the eternal life provided for us through Jesus Christ I'm not in mourning, but full of gratitude for each day of this life while at the same time longing for the life that is to come in eternity with my Savior. God is so good and I am so blessed every day and in every season.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp. I continue to count my thankspiling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)
#10, 835-#10,857

-the first birdsong even before the sun is up
-a beautifully warm spring like day
-our oldest granddaughter spending the night with us

-a brisk walk and prayer time that broke though some heaviness
-a sweet visit and dinner with my older brother and my youngest brother and sister-in-law
-casting all of my cares on God

-God's desire for intimate friendship with us as seen in His relationship with Moses in Exodus 33
-trees all in bloom
-our small group opening up with one another and bearing one another's burdens

-a fun lunch and shopping date with my friend
-good news on the sale of our son-in-law and youngest daughter's house
-a really good prayer night
-youngest daughter and grandson spending the night

-up early with my grandson
-fish tacos for lunch-my favorite!
-a fun and relaxing Friday date day afternoon
-our oldest grandkids' spring concert

-a reminder that I belong to God in 1 Cor 6:19-20
-my husband's help with a chore
-our middle daughter's kiddos so excited to have a new puppy in the family

-God hearing and answering my heart cries
-a wonderful visit and lunch with our oldest daughter, son-in-law and two youngest granddaughters

-an accepted offer on our youngest daughter and son-in-law's house

still following,


  1. Love how God blesses you. Do you make your own fish tacos or do you eat them somewhere special? Praising the Lord with you about your daughter's house sale.

  2. I so love that you are still counting, Elizabeth. God is good... all the time. Blessings to you.


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