
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Valley seasons...

Why is it that sometimes it seems as though winter is twice as long as the other seasons?  There have been years when it felt like spring would never come.  Yet, it inevitably did come.  There's never been a year that winter lasted forever. There's never been a year when spring didn't come.

There are times when a season of waiting on God for an answer to prayer or a season of testing and trial can seem to stretch on forever.  I call them the valley times.  No one chooses or enjoys being in a valley of difficulty but we all will face a valley season at one time or another.

There are two things that have helped me survive the valley seasons in my life.    (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, March 11th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Also happily linking up with the lovely
The Mom Gene


  1. Absolute truth in your post. Pulling oneself up is a struggle, but thank God for his help. He made us his image so there's no other way. Great scripture sharing. Thanks.
    Visiting from Peabea Scribbles

    1. Thank you for the blessing you are to me with your continual encouragement!

  2. I’m thankful God is with us in the hills and valleys.

    1. His presence is the only reason we can survive and thrive the hills and valleys! Oh, how we need HIM!

  3. Such a beautiful picture to accompany the scripture. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Aren't crocuses encouraging? They poke up even when winter continues on. They are the reminder of hope, just like so many people or things God gives us in those valley seasons. :) Thank you!


    1. I agree, a reminder of hope indeed. Isn't God amazing that He gives us reminders of hope all around us if we only have eyes to notice!


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