
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A Busy Nana's gratitude post...

I'm a day late posting my weekly gratitude list.  I'm on "Nana duty" for almost two weeks while my husband and our second born daughter and her husband and a team from our church are on a missions trip to Ghana. So, with two busy teens, an almost four year old, and a ten month old new to them dog to keep track of, I've not had a lot of down time for things like blogging!  Thank God that our almost four year old grandson's "nanny", our unofficially adopted granddaughter that I've mentioned here before, can help me out on occasion, and today she is on duty so I can catch up on things like small group prep, check book balancing, bill paying and even a bit of blogging!  
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a quiet morning to sleep in after a middle of the night run to the airport
-watching the movie WONDER with my oldest granddaughter
-news that our team arrived safely in Ghana

-the loud chirping of the birds just before sunrise
-texts from my hubs that everyone arrived safely in Kumasi
-singing, "I have decided to follow Jesus", with Nehemiah
-homemade broccoli cheddar soup and homemade bread-the grands loved it!
-a beautiful spring day for a walk around the park
-photos from Ghana
-our grandson's handsome new haircut-first time he wasn't afraid of the clippers!
-good reports that the projects are going well in Ghana
-apple blossoms on our neighbor's tree
-G's help with the grandkids

-the neighbor's bringing the grandkids' dog back when she jumped the fence
-our grandson worshipping when we sing "I love you, Lord" before bed
-sharing a favorite movie with my granddaughter

-phone calls and texts from my hubs
-"Nana, you're like an angel!" (Oh, the things that an almost four year old says!)
-all three kids worn out and in bed early!

-Sunday lunch outside in the sun
-God working when I pray, and repent, and let go, and trust Him
-going out for child sized Wendy's Frosties with my grandson
-working together on chores with the grandkids
-good news from someone I was concerned about

still following,

1 comment:

  1. We have a team coming home from Malawi today--landing in a couple of hours. I will pray for your team, too, as the Lord brings them to mind.


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