
Monday, April 16, 2018

A great way to begin a new week...

A few days ago we got a text from our oldest daughter saying that our two youngest granddaughters wanted to be water baptized.  She was concerned if, at ages 6 and 9, they were old enough.  The consensus from her dad and I and her sisters, (our family has a perpetual group text going at all times), was that if the girls understood and could articulate what this public confession of their faith meant, then they were old enough.  And so, on Sunday I was able to sneak away from our church, (unfortunately my husband was preaching and couldn't do so), and to attend our son-in-law and daughter's church for the baptism.  What a wonderful beginning to this new week! It definitely helped my spirits after last week's loss.
(Here's a link to the best video I've seen for explaining water baptism to children -

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-taxes done for another year, Praise God!
-a bouquet of dandelions from my grandson
-this warm sunny day before a very rainy forecast

-taking my youngest daughter to get her birthday gift
-homemade spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove with homemade french bread in the oven
-our small group

-our youngest daughter's birthday
-a slow, lazy morning after a late night
-God provision
-birthday dinner at a favorite restaurant with our girl and family

-my oldest niece, healed and whole in the arms of Jesus
-an answer to prayer about the visas for some of our Ghana team members
-my husband telling me to stay home from our midweek prayer service and rest after the loss of my niece

-the passports and visas all arrived safely and on time
-my husband surprising me with a new Rae Dunn mug
-a good day off together

-writing time
-God speaking to my heart from Psalm 37:7
-dinner with our church's Homebuilder's group

-our two youngest granddaughters got water baptized!

-a good report of how things went at our church 
when I was at our daughter and son-in-law's church for the baptism
-a fun lunch with our grandgirlies to celebrate 

still following,


  1. Oh my goodness! This was such a wonderful gratitude list. Those little girls wanting to have Jesus as their Lord and Savior. You must be so proud. Is that their dad who baptized them.

  2. How wonderful, Elizabeth! The angels are singing!


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