
Monday, April 30, 2018

A quick gratitude post...

I'm popping in here for a quick gratitude post today. My husband, middle daughter and son-in-law, and the team from our church arrived home from Ghana on Saturday.  After twelve days of taking care of the grandkids at their house, I've got a lot of things I want to get done at home.  But first, my gratitude journal from the past seven days...
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a beautiful sunny day
-stopping for Starbucks treats on the ride home after picking the grandkids up from school
-our almost four year old grandson's bedtime routine-three books, three songs, and prayer

-YaY! our grandson has been staying in his own bed at night!
-a day at home while G. watched my grandson
-our small group gathering 

-another 80+ degree day
-a beautiful day to take my grandson to play by the river
-the two oldest grands laying on the foot of my bed and chatting after youth group

-the way God works when we cast our cares onto Him
-G's help with the oldest grandson's math
-when my teen grandkids say, "I love you, Nana" 

-our almost four grandson singing, 
"Praise be to the Wounded One, All glory and honor to the Son" 
-a good support system
-the team is on their way home from Ghana

-my guy is home!
 (And the whole team.  No one got sick. Projects accomplished.  Praise God!)
-our home
-a cup of my favorite chai tea

-the sweet presence of God
-a great message from our assistant pastor
-lunch with our daughter and grandkids
-Sunday afternoon rest

still following,


  1. I love that you write down your gratitude. I try to be thankful also. I love the way your grandchildren seems to be a big part of your heart...a true Nana!

    1. Grandparenting is such a wonderful part of life!

  2. It sure didn't take that little boy long to grow up.

    1. I know! Why does it have to go by so fast!?


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