
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

At the little cabin on the Umpqua River....

I never tire of the scenery from the back deck of the little cabin on the Umpqua River.
We were so blessed to spend a few days at the cabin, owned by our youngest daughter's in-laws, last week.
We arrived there just as the sun was going down.
 The next morning we saw the moon bright and clear in the sky 
for quite some time after the sun had already come up.
Most of the days we woke up to fog which would clear up after a few hours.

I'm so pleased with how these blue hour photos turned out.

Our last day at the cabin it rained most of the day-
a good excuse to stay in our pajamas and spend most of the day reading and napping!

still following,

Flower Friday


  1. Sounds like a very relaxing get away. The views are wonderful.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

    1. I just love it there. We are so blessed to be able to use it.

  2. What a gorgeous place for a getaway! Marvelous photos. Thanks for sharing them with us at

    1. It is, indeed, gorgeous and we love it there!

  3. The images in themselves are a breath of fresh air! So glad you got to getaway for a few! Those trips will always be my favorite as you get to step away and refresh from the routine, but not be away long enough to have to start afresh when you get back.

    1. Thank you so much, Annetta! I am loving seeing a different part of Europe then I've ever been as I follow you on social media.

  4. I'm so glad you could get away to the cabin again. It' s a good place to unwind and relax. Your photos transported me to the deck and I thought I was sitting next to you!

    1. You would love it there, and Dave would love the fishing!

  5. Amazing! How nice is our earth. How great is our Lord, who makes heaven and eart.

    1. Aritha, Amen! Praise God for His beautiful creation!

  6. I'm so thankful you have this little slice of heaven to retreat to, Elizabeth. Much need this last week I imagine. You've been in my prayers.

  7. you captured the views perfectly..
    what a lovely, peaceful, and utterly
    relaxing location to rest and restore..


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