
Monday, April 2, 2018

Easter gratitude...

Popping in to do a quick blog post of this past week's gratitude list.  We are heading out for a few days of RnR at our youngest daughter's in-law's little cabin on the river.  It's so peaceful there and I think it's just what we need for some rejuvenation and much needed spiritual refreshing.  The wifi is spotty so I probably won't be posting for a few days.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp. I continue to count my thankspiling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-our oldest daughter's birthday
-flowering quince branches gathered on my walk
-God's constant help in my life

-taking the three middle grands to Dizzy Castle for some spring break fun
-dying eggs and making hot cross buns with the two youngest granddaughters
-Papa roasting hot dogs and making s'mores with the girls
-our granddaughter's "I love you" at bedtime

-a wee bit of Jesus time before the grandgirlies woke up
-waffles with strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast
-family dinner at our oldest daughter's house
-playing a fun, new to us game, (Farkle)

-God's faithfulness and friendship in my life
-this lovely spring day
-our middle grandson and his babysitter stopping by on the way home from the park
-making hot cross buns to give to the neighbors
-an encouraging prayer time

-Good Friday-thank you, God, for loving us so
-a day trip to the beach
-lunch at by the mouth of the Columbia-seeing a huge sea lion swim by
-a walk on the beach
-a bald eagle perched on a sign
-a beautiful blue sky spring day
-our "unofficially adopted" granddaughter coming over to help me with some baking
-oldest grandson helping Papa with yard work

-Christ is risen!
-new faces at church
-the gospel message
-a lovely lunch and fun time at our youngest daughter's in-laws home
-the grandkids in their Easter outfits

(Sadly I missed getting a family photo of our middle daughter and her husband and kids!)

still following,


  1. So many blessings shared!
    Praying for just the "right" R & R for you.
    Sounds like a perfect spot in which to replenish your spirit. ♥

    1. Thank you for your prayers. God met me in our time away in a sweet way.

  2. Oh, Elizabeth, I love reading your gratitude posts and I always love your photographs. Thank you for being such an encourager to me.

  3. Another week full of overflowing blessings. Thank you for sharing them and the sweet pictures of the sources of so many of them.

  4. You have a beautiful family! It's fun to watch the grands grow up. Have a good time at the river cabin and be sure to enjoy every minute. We are in California with my father's family for a few more days - then home to 'normal' life again.

    1. Now I want to go to Yosemite after seeing your photos!

  5. Such a beautiful family, Elizabeth! That little guy certainly steals the show, doesn't he! Precious! So glad you are getting some time away. Praying blessing over your retreat.

    1. Thank you, June. We are home now and it was definitely just what we needed!

  6. You are blessed to have a loving family, especially the grandkids! I love Easter pics of going to church. We did that growing up

    1. I am definitely undeservedly blessed by God! I can't thank Him enough!


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