
Monday, April 9, 2018

God knows what we need when we need it...

Last week we had no mid-week activities at our church due to it being spring break in our state.  My husband and I, rather spontaneously, were blessed to take some time away at our youngest daughter's in-law's little cabin on the Umpqua River.  God knew it was just what we needed.  We slept and napped a lot. We sat on the back deck of the cabin and enjoyed the amazing view.  I read three books in four days! (Two light reading fiction books and one non-fiction book that God knew was exactly what I needed to read at this time.)  One day we took the short drive to the beach, ate at our favorite restaurant, did a bit of browsing at the antique stores, and took a long walk on the beach.  The time away was wonderfully relaxing and refreshing.

Sadly, when we got home, we got word that my husband's spiritual mentor and a spiritual father to us both, was not expected to live.  Early Sunday morning he went home to be with Jesus.  I'm so grateful for the privilege we had to have him in our lives.  He will be greatly missed.

I believe that God knew we would need our little getaway to be strengthened to face this loss. When you're weary and worn down these things are much more difficult to get through.  God truly does know exactly what we need when we need it.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp. I continue to count my thankspiling up gratitude day by day
in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a beautiful drive to the cabin after my husband got done working
-the instant feeling of peace and quiet in this lovely place
-my husband saying, "You're so pretty" after I washed off all of my make-up and put on my old flannel pajamas and put on my cozy, warm "grandma sweater"

-morning coffee on the deck
 (though it was only 34 degrees when we woke up there's a propane heater to snuggle next to)
-a completely lazy, relaxing day to read, think and watch the river
-laughing at our own techie ineptness when trying to watch a DVD

-a huge, beautiful "morning moon" shining clear and bright in the sky well past sunrise
-driving to Florence after a slow, relaxing morning (one of our favorite Oregon beach towns)
-browsing in antique stores
-lunch at our favorite spot
-a wonderful walk on the beach
-seeing the elk herd on our drive from the beach back to the cabin
-lots of time to read

-a completely lazy, rainy day-I even took a nap
-a book that was just what I needed to read
-our youngest daughter, son-in-law and grandson surprising us and showing up at the cabin
-cobbling together a pretty good dinner out of the random groceries we had
-playing Rummikub together til bedtime

-Papa and youngest grandson sitting out on the deck together
-a safe drive home
-a beautiful spring evening
-our home

-catching up on the She Reads Truth Timothy devotional after not having reception at the cabin
-cozy candlelight on this windy, rainy spring day

-God ministering to me as I wrote today

-the hope of eternal life
-babysitting our youngest grandson while mama and daddy went to Cirque de Soleil 
-snuggling up to my warm blooded guy on a chilly evening

still following, 

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth, your pictures gave me a sense of refreshment. So beautiful! I'm sorry to hear a special friend and mentor to you and your husband has passed. So glad the Lord prepared your hearts for what was ahead. How kind...


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