
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Spellbound by the sea...

The little cabin on the Umpqua River in this post is only about twenty miles inland from the beach. Our favorite little beach town is about another twenty miles north. When we visit the cabin, my husband and I usually take an afternoon to drive there, eat lunch at our favorite spot, do a bit of antiquing and looking in the shops, and of course, walk on the beach.
Those of you who've read my blog for any length of time, know that I think a walk by the sea is a good cure for just about whatever ails you.

I'm not sure when the sea first cast its spell over me, capturing my heart forever. I've always wondered if it's simply in my DNA.  My mama was born on Prince Edward Island and her relatives still live in the family farmhouse where mama was born.  My grandparents then moved from P.E.I. to the shipbuilding town of Bath, Maine, where Mama grew up.  Mama was born surrounded by the sea and grew up by the sea. Maybe I inherited my longing to be near the sea from her.
I grew up 80 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean, and we are living about that same distance now. That's not near close enough in my opinion, but I'm thankful it's close enough for day trips and frequent visits. In our early years of marriage we lived in a coastal town for about five years. I loved it.
(The Heceta Head lighthouse can be seen in the distance in this photo.)
 When I was a little girl I thought that living in a lighthouse would be the best life ever. I guess I'll just have to settle for frequent visits to the beach and as many walks by the sea as this inland girl can squeeze in.

still following,

Flower Friday


  1. the roar of the waves, salt air, sea breeze ..
    renew and restore. i'm currently 2.5 hours
    from the coast. sigh.

  2. I totally agree, a walk by the beach...makes everything right.
    ...just BE.

  3. I love the ocean too! It calms my soul!

  4. Beautiful photos, Elizabeth.
    Something about the ocean never fails to put things into proper perspective and balance for me.
    Thanks for sharing at

  5. I always enjoy your ocean/beach images, Elizabeth! So soothing.

  6. Amazing. I visited Oregon recently and the beaches are just impeccable and beautiful.


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