
Saturday, April 21, 2018

The hungry soul...

I have a fitness app on my phone on which I keep track of my exercise and eating.  It gives me access to helpful tips as well, and one of those tips was that if you are actually hungry then you will be willing to eat a piece of fruit or some veggies. It said that if you're unwilling to eat something healthy, then what you are experiencing is not true hunger.

Our small group is studying the Sermon on the Mount.  How many times have I read through Matthew chapters five, six and seven and picked out the tasty bits of what Jesus said, but turned my nose up, so to speak, at the tough parts?  I really love the part where Jesus tells us to not be anxious and reassures us of His provision and care for us.  I even have that part memorized!  But, then there's that part where He tells us that anger in our heart towards our brother is equal to murder and must be dealt with swiftly and not harbored. That part was a bit more difficult for me to swallow.
(Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, April 22nd, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

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  1. Elizabeth, thank you for sharing the analogy your fitness app has so aptly provided. Praying today that I will take in all of His Word and not be a picky eater (which I was as a kid!). May you have a blessed Sunday!

    1. Thank you, Joanne! Your comments are a blessing.

  2. oh that i may chew on the *whole Word* rather than nibbles at the crumbs.... ♥ {devouring His love, His grace so rich}

  3. I do think so true, and I do look for the positive reinforcement of the word and the glossing over the parts that are tough and I admit scary. After I read them though, I remember the cross and his promises, but it is good to consider all the words of Jesus. Thanks as always for sharing your good insight. :)

    1. It's hard for us to accept that everything He says is for our good, much the same way a child resists eating his veggies!

  4. those are wise words about hunger - physical and spiritual!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for being an encouragement to me, Kym!

  5. Followed you over there...great, insightful post!


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