
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Birthday week...

All three of our grandsons have birthdays in May.
The day before our oldest grandson turned ten his little brother was born.
We had his tenth birthday family gathering and cake in his mama's hospital room!
Last week they turned fourteen and four.
My daughter hosted a birthday party and barbecue to celebrate.
 The weather was beautiful and all of the grandkids played outside til late in the evening.

For our four year old grandson's birthday, one of his gifts from us was swimming lessons.
I got to take him to his first lesson.
He loved it!

Our youngest grandson will have his first birthday next week.
Time is zooming by too quickly!

still following,

Flower Friday


  1. That cake looks so good! Happy belated birthday week!~

  2. Happy birthday to all your grandbabies. :)

  3. Elizabeth, they are all so cute. What a handsome family. Happy Birthday to your grandbabies. :)

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles


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