
Monday, May 14, 2018

Keeping thanks on my lips...

"Every breath's a battle between grudgery and gratitude
 and we must keep thanks on the lips 
so we can sip from the holy grail of joy." 
Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-the birth of my husband's great nephew
-Shane and Shane's Psalms Live album
-fresh salmon for dinner- a gift from our friend from church
-the hubs and I enjoying tea outside on the patio as the sun was going down

-a refreshing spring rain and then the sun came back out
-potato salad
-our small group's prayers
-God's protection over our church building when the businesses
 around us flooded due to a blocked sewer pipe

-an encouraging coffee date
-praying with my daughter about their house search
-hugs from my grandson

-a good spring rain to water our new plants
-the God Who hears us and knows our longings
-hugs from my hubs

-our second grandson's 4th birthday
-surprising our oldest grandson with lunch and shopping for new shoes, 
(his 14th birthday is the day after his little brother's 4th birthday)
-a family barbecue-all the grandkids together!

-our oldest grandson's 14th birthday
-taking our grandson to his first swimming lesson
-a phone visit with a friend 
-free tickets to the Sleeping Beauty ballet

-yay! I thought my lamp and vacuum both "died" but it was just a tripped plug
-Mother's Day texts from my girls
-a relaxing, summer-like Mother's Day

still following,


  1. This morning the time my sweetheart spend together in devotions and sharing we talked about how overwhelmed we are by life right now - so many things hanging over our heads. Unresolved. While I was praying my sweetheart sensed God telling him to find joy in the little things - the routine things of everyday living. When he opened his eyes after my 'Amen' the first thing he saw - as if for the first time - was my little journal notebook. The cover says 'Find JOY in the ordinary'! Confirmation that we need to find joy and be thankful in the little things of everyday living. No matter what. That's what I love about your gratitude lists. Joy every day. In things big and small. Thank you for sharing, dear friend.

    1. This is so good! Thank you for sharing it here my friend.

  2. Never even knew "grudgery" was a word!
    Your days are definitely salted with goodness, as are mine. Sometimes, the most ordinary of goodnesses call forth the most heartfelt of gratitudes it seems...

    1. Ann is very poetic and creative in her literary style and I think she just made up the word.

  3. Love, love, love this post --as always.


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