
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Spring in my backyard...

I could show you flowerbeds needing edged and weeded and all of the other outside work that comes with the arrival of spring.  But I'd rather focus on the flowers than the weeds, like these pretty coral colored begonia.

Our back fence is lined with lilac, a sweet surprise when we bought our house almost three years ago.

I always have mint and other herbs growing in pots on the patio.  I love fresh mint in ice water on hot summer days.
Our rhubarb is really flourishing. I cut it back, made a yummy rhubarb crisp, (stay tuned for that recipe),  and froze enough for another crisp sometime later.
I had a huge viburnum in the backyard of our previous home. I'm happily growing one at our new to us home now.

What's growing in your backyard this spring?

still following,

Flower Friday


  1. sweet surprise indeed! My garden is a mess, but it will get there. Right now my azalea, rhododendron and lilac are all blooming!

    And the ferns and hostas are growing quite nicely. My knockout roses look ready to bloom and the lupine is also starting to bloom. I love this time of year....

  2. My favorite tree, the Dogwood, is blooming brightly in our backyard (And the rhodies and azaleas).

  3. It's so nice to grow a garden! I have plenty of lemon mint growing and not sure how I can "store" them... I more than I can use.

  4. Absolutely lovely! Spring is such a wonderful season.

  5. I am just not a gardener. Over the many years we've lived here, I've planted roses...managed to let them die and other bulbs. So, my garden is pretty much sparse. Glad to see though that the lovely Lily that my son brought and planted for me almost 10 years ago is sprouting. I'd thought that I had managed to kill it out also. I will visit the nursery and buy annuals. I kept some dahlia dahlias..and see if they reappear. Your flowers are so pretty. Love the lilacs, but have none.
    Thanks for visiting Pictorial Tuesday and sharing.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

    1. I'm really no good at it either. I wish I could hire it all done!

  6. Lilacs and Azaleas are beautiful and roses are beginning to bloom in my garden. And a lot of weeds. I ignore the weeds as long as I can.

    1. If I was rich, hiring a landscaper would be a priority!

  7. Beautiful photography and gardening!

    1. Oh, Joanne, I've not shown you the parts that are still "under construction" in our yard!

  8. Beautiful!
    After a slow start this cold spring, all of a sudden everything here is bursting into bloom.
    And I call my weeds Wildflowers!
    Have a blessed day!

    1. Yes, maybe just embracing the weeds is the key!

  9. I'm envious of how far along your spring growth is. All so lush looking in your gorgeous photos. I practiced ugly gardening last fall so have a huge clean up to do as soon as the ground dries out.

    1. When we bought our new to us house three years ago, the landscaping was overgrown. We've had so much work to do, and neither of us are particularly knowledgeable or good at gardening. It's been slow progress, but at least we are moving forward!

  10. It's so wonderful to see flowers again! Yours are gorgeous! My garden is hosting Lantana, Mexican Bush Sage, Butterfly Weed, knock out roses and pentas this year. The butterflies are enjoying it as much as I am! Blessings!

    1. I've had such bad luck with roses getting blackspot. I'd love to successfully grow some!


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