
Saturday, May 12, 2018

The God Who sees you...

I can't see or know you who will read this post on the day it is published, which will be Mother's Day.  Neither do I know the circumstances that you find yourself in and the way that influences how you feel about Mother's Day.

You may be a busy young mother right in the thick of parenting.
You may be broken hearted that you don't have children, and Mother's Day is just a cruel reminder of that fact.
You may be grieving due to miscarriage or the death of your baby or child.
You may be single and wondering if you'll ever have a family.
You may be adjusting to the fact that you are now an empty nester.
You may be a grandparent with a house full of children and grandchildren gathering to celebrate the day with you.
You may be busy with your life and career and can't stand it when people keep asking you when you're going to have a baby.
Your mother may have passed away this year, and this first Mother's Day without her feels unbearable.

Whatever your lot in life may be this Mother's Day, you can be sure that God sees you, knows you, and fully understands you and what you are going through. (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, May 13th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

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