
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Beach time!

Anyone who knows me or who has read my blog for any length of time knows that I love the sea! It is definitely my happy place. In the past month we've been to the beach on three different occasions.
The first five photos were taken on a day trip to the beach near Fort Stevens, Oregon on a recent day off. This beach is on the northernmost part of the Oregon Coast.
 The wreck of the Peter Iredale is a familiar sight to those familiar with this part of the Oregon Coast.

Our next visit to the coast was with our five oldest grandkids. We visited Heceta Beach near Florence, Oregon. This beach is just a wee bit south of the central Oregon coast.

Our most recent visit to the coast was to the beach near Ocean Park, Washington where the youth group from our church was having a retreat.  This beach is on the southern Washington coast.

I'm already looking forward to the next time we will visit our beautiful coast!

still following,

Flower Friday


  1. The beach is such a peaceful place. Beautiful photos!

    1. Yes! Being by the sea puts things in perspective for me and always reminds me that God is in control!

  2. I too love to enjoy in beach. It would be a wonderful place to sit and relax. Enjoy the cool breeze from them.
    Amazing pictures!

    1. Thank you! I always say that a walk by the sea is the best therapy!

  3. Beautiful photos and such cute kiddos. Could sit and stare out and enjoy that view of water and the sky forever. :)

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  4. My happy place, too, as you well know! So blessed to live in states where the ocean is just a day trip away.

  5. And I find the history of that shipwreck fascinating! It's been there over 100 years?? Wow.

  6. Wonderful photos of a truly magical place, ELizabeth. Needed those summery photos to look at while we are experiencing cold, windy, rainy weather in our Winter Downunder!
    Thanks for taking part in the TravelTuesday meme.


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