
Monday, June 4, 2018

Determined to live a grateful life...

Life experiences and the Word of God, (see the book of Exodus), have given me much evidence to support my belief that the tendency of human nature is to focus on the things that we lack or are unhappy about rather than the blessings in our lives. I've been on a journey to fight that tendency in myself for over nine years. Some days it's easy. Other days I still struggle. But, I am determined to live a grateful life. And so I continue to take note of God's blessings in my daily life.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-God working in my heart
-sweet hugs from my guy
-a Memorial Day bbq
-puttering in the flowerbeds
-a sweet text from my oldest

-our son-in-law's help with our yard word
-taking my youngest grandson, in his stroller, on my walk
-God's peace within

-my morning quiet time spot
-using a massage gift card for an awesome massage
-a good report

-gluten free breakfast cookies to share with a friend who came for tea
-an encouraging word
-pressing in to God's presence at our church's prayer and worship night

-a great day off with my husband
-it's June!
-a detour on the way to the beach that ended up to be a new adventure
-a gorgeous day at the beach
-a long, long beach walk
-listening to Brennan Manning's All Is Grace book on the drive home

-one wild bunny
-two big yellow butterflies
-good news about a loved one getting some much needed help with addiction
-God's help and forgiveness when I let a computer issue rob me of my peace
-a sweet wedding and a delicious feast 

-God is working
-being a listening ear
-seeing old friends

still following,


  1. So true that I know that I tend to focus on the negative; especially as I'm in maybe my last years of life. There's more behind me now than in front, but with reading the word, I do try to look at the grateful things that I may have skipped over the years in my life. Thank you for a reminder post of so many ways we can be grateful. Especially at my age, the morning wake up is a plus and I am grateful for that. Enjoyed reading and seeing that cute little guy would always make for smiles. :)

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  2. I love looking for things to be grateful for! You have some great things, too.


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