
Monday, June 25, 2018

Eucharisteo-Give thanks!

It's been two weeks since my last gratitude post-two weeks full of activities, good times, and, yes, even some hard times. I saw a cute sign the other day that said, "Life Happens. Coffee Helps." I do love my morning coffee and look forward to those two cups I allow myself each day. But coffee has never helped me cope with life, not like giving thanks has. Counting my blessings helps me to see that even on the hard days there's not been one, not a single day, when I couldn't find something to thank God for. Counting my blessings causes me to recognize that I'm surrounded by miracles, like the three grandkids in the photo above-all three are miracle babies after years of infertility. On the hard days, I remember those miracles and believe for the miracles that are yet to come.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-this beautiful day after a weekend of rain
-taking oldest granddaughter out to eat and birthday shopping
-my hub's making me a cup of my favorite mint tea each evening

-our oldest granddaughter's 15th birthday
-my sister's 66th birthday
-my oldest grandson helping with yard work
-making a four layer red velvet cake for the birthday girl
(This recipe-yum! I doubled the recipe and made four layers.)
-building relational bridges 

-a drizzly morning that feels like a day at the beach
-a friend coming over for a walk
-my husband rubbing my head when I have a headache

-an invitation for tea
-oldest grandson falling asleep on our couch
-our 4 year old grandson waving to me and giving me a thumbs up from the stage at his preschool concert

-coffee in bed
-lunch by the river
-two yellow butterflies flying down the freeway in the lane next to our car
-a walk around the lake

-remembering my mama and thanking God for her on what would have been her 93rd birthday
-my Abba Father
-resting and trusting and seeing God at work
-a sweet and encouraging friendship

-God's provision
-God's work in us
-God's work in others
-a safe drive to the cabin with the five oldest grands
-"don't go into the water" turning into an evening swim, clothes and all
-our nine year old granddaughter reading to her four year old cousin
-grace and forgiveness

-a comfy new queen sized blow up bed
-the grandkids playing in the river from after breakfast to bath time
-cooking a fish caught by my oldest grandson and my six year old granddaughter eating it all up
-tucking the four year old into bed with stories, songs and prayers 

-grandbaby number seven is on the way-due in January!
-a beautiful day at Heceta Beach

-laughing around the campfire

-my nine year old granddaughter having the same sense of humor as I do
-a safe trip home
-learning to daily rest, pray and trust God with things I have no control over

-the first day of summer!
-a bouquet of hydrangeas from our backyard
-my favorite fish tacos for dinner

-a drizzly morning that cleared up in the afternoon
-the beautiful drive to my sister's 
-a safe trip

-my brother-in-law's and sister's retirement party from 4+ decades of full time ministry
-snow covered peaks
-mountain lakes
-covered bridges
-safely home

-God working
-youth camp
-lunch with friends

still following,


  1. You know I adore these gratitude posts.


  2. What beautiful photos - and such beautiful gratitude! I've started again, listing God's good - because I need to in the season I'm in - to help keep me grounded, grateful, hopefilled! Congratulations on a new grandchild in January! What an awesome Nana you are! Shalom sweet friend! ~ Maryleigh

  3. Thank you, friend. Keeping a gratitude journal has been a life saver for me!

  4. Just catching up on some past posts. God's blessings on your newest grand child!


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