
Saturday, June 9, 2018

Filled and Flooded with God...

When we become born again, when we receive Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and the Lord of our life, His Holy Spirit then dwells within our spirit. We had to make a choice, a decision, for this to happen.  Jesus Christ died for the whole world, but only those who accept and receive what He did for them personally are born again.  God wants voluntary lovers in His family. He doesn't force us to accept His offer of salvation. He extends the invitation and it's up to us to receive or deny it. (See John 1:12) We do not earn or deserve His great love or lavish grace and mercy. We simply believe and make the choice to open the door and receive it.

Similarly, when we are born again and God's Holy Spirit comes to dwell within our spirit, there can remain many unsurrendered areas in our soul-in our mind, will and emotions. Just as God doesn't force us to receive Him as Savior and Lord, He doesn't force us to let His Holy Spirit into the unsurrendered areas of our inner life. He will woo us and love us and draw us near. He will show us through our experiences that His ways are right and that His love is faithful and that we can trust Him. He will use His Word, and other means He deems necessary, to give us revelation and show us areas where we have yet to surrender to Him. Then, when we yield and open the door,  His wonderful loving, healing, delivering, bondage breaking Holy Spirit comes flooding in. Again, we simply choose to open the door to the rooms of our innermost being and welcome and receive His presence within.

After a season of struggle and weariness, I am learning to begin my morning quiet time by sitting in God's presence and inviting His Holy Spirit to fill and flood me. (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, June 10th, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

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  1. This was wonderful to read. Thank you.

  2. Wonderful post, Elizabeth and so beautifully written! So blessed by my visit with you today! Thank you so much for sharing this! Blessings :-)

    1. God bless you and thank you so much for your encouragement!

  3. Such sharing from your heart today. Thank you. That is a great scripture sharing. Have a great week.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

    1. Thank YOU! You are such an encouragement to me!

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