
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Friday Faves...Summer-y mantel decor

In one week summer officially begins! But, to me, summer begins with Memorial Day weekend. In fact, the official first day of summer is a little bittersweet to me. It's the longest day of the year and after that the daylight hours will get a wee bit shorter each subsequent day of summer. See what I mean? Bittersweet.
 I like to make my home reflect the seasons so I recently "summer-ized" our mantel. I filled large glass vases with beach rocks and shells that I've collected over the years.
 I added a piece of driftwood and some beads we bought home from Hawaii.
 Simple and summer-y. Just the way I like it.

It's almost FRIDAY, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!




  1. Hello Elizabeth! Visiting from Jody Collins' blog, specifically "The Sage Ones" post. I LOVE your mantel! You've inspired me to shake things up a bit on our own mantel. We used to live in FL; I should certainly be able to find summery objects to display. Thank you inspiring freshness, creativity, and smiles!

    1. I'm so happy that you popped in from Jody's!


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