
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Homegrown Peonies!

In our previous home I could not successfully grow peonies. But, the peonies that we planted in our current home bloomed like crazy this year!
I often say that peonies are my favorite flower, but truth be told, there are just so many different types of flowers to love! Roses, lilac, flowering quince, lily of the valley, daffodils, daisies, cosmos, dahlias, zinnias...see what I mean?
But, I think I can safely say that peonies are in my top ten!

still following,

Flower Friday


  1. Peonies are so beautiful! Great job on getting them to bloom this time. :)

    1. I love them! Thank you for hosting the link up each week!

  2. Love the color. They look so delicate. Beautiful. True on all the wonderful flowers to see and some smell so awesome.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  3. How blessed you are, Elizabeth! They are gorgeous!

  4. Gorgeous! We had our peonies bloom a few weeks ago and they have made our home smell divine. Yours are glorious!

  5. Beautiful peonies!
    Thank you for sharing these lovely photos with us at


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