
Saturday, June 2, 2018


There is not a definite consensus about the meaning of the word selah, found in the Bible in the book of Psalms, where it appears seventy one times. It is also found three times in the book of Habbakuk. Some say it simply means a musical interlude. Others say that the word selah is a word that means to stop and think. Strong's concordance says it means to lift up or exalt. In other words, it's an instruction in the text to pause, reflect on the truth you've just heard or read, then respond in praise. 

I think there are some helpful insights from these definitions of the word selah. Most include the concept of stopping or pausing-in other words, resting(Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, June 3rd, at Woman to Woman Ministries where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,

Also happily linking up with the lovely


  1. Love that ~ Selah. What a great reminder and explanation of that word. When reading this, it was nice to read that and then just be still and let God wash those words over me. I sometimes just read through the scriptures and have to remind myself to think about what is being said, and other times I'm more into delving into making notes and tearing it apart to see what God is saying so this is great scripture reminder for my Sunday. Thank you. :)

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

    1. God is helping me to learn to wait and rest and soak in His words-I'm a great one for having a "get 'er done" attitude instead of a meditative attitude.

  2. I almost used this same verse on my blog today. Changed it at the last moment. We're praising the Lord for a new church - something we've been praying about for several years. It's a brand new congregation, and it feels so good to receive more nourishing spiritual food again!

  3. Hello There! I was blessed immensely on your combination of the three definitions of Selah! Your insights were beautiful! So glad I found you at Peabea Scribles! :)

  4. Beautiful header by the way! :)

  5. Our only grandchild, a granddaughter, was 1 on April 10. She didn't start walking until she reached 13 months. How life changes! We received a video of her turning in circles, running from coffee table to sideboard and then flopping on the bottom shelf. Your grandson is such a little doll, and you've captured some great images. Such precious little beings.


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